calculate smoothing value depending on samplerate

Because smoothing "speed" distinguish between two sample rates, we need to calculate the right smoothing value for the used sample
rate on runtime. This commit changes this. The SMOOTHING_CONST in config.hxx can still be used to configurate the general speed for
Georg Krause 2018-07-09 14:38:52 +02:00
parent 701e9dc24b
commit 21e53c391d
4 changed files with 26 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -78,12 +78,16 @@ Jack::Jack( std::string name ) :
client( jack_client_open ( name.c_str(), JackNullOption, 0, 0 ) ),
state( new State() ),
controllerUpdater( new ControllerUpdater() ),
smoothing_value(SMOOTHING_CONST * (44100.f / samplerate))
jack = this;
samplerate = jack_get_sample_rate( client );
// calculate smoothing value for current sample rate
//smoothing_value = SMOOTHING_CONST * (44100.f / samplerate);
// construct Observer classes here, not in the initializer list as the Jack*
// will be 0x0 until then.
timeManager = new TimeManager(),
@ -544,15 +548,15 @@ void Jack::processFrames(int nframes)
/// mix input, reverb & post-sidechain in
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nframes; i++) {
// compute *lags für smoothing
inputToMixVolLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (inputToMixVol - inputToMixVolLag);
inputToSendVolLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (inputToSendVol - inputToSendVolLag);
inputToXSideVolLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (inputToXSideVol - inputToXSideVolLag);
returnVolLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (returnVol - returnVolLag);
inputVolLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (inputVol - inputVolLag);
inputToMixVolLag += smoothing_value * (inputToMixVol - inputToMixVolLag);
inputToSendVolLag += smoothing_value * (inputToSendVol - inputToSendVolLag);
inputToXSideVolLag += smoothing_value * (inputToXSideVol - inputToXSideVolLag);
returnVolLag += smoothing_value * (returnVol - returnVolLag);
inputVolLag += smoothing_value * (inputVol - inputVolLag);
inputToKeyEnableLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (inputToKeyEnable - inputToKeyEnableLag);
inputToMixEnableLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (inputToMixEnable - inputToMixEnableLag);
inputToSendEnableLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (inputToSendEnable - inputToSendEnableLag);
inputToKeyEnableLag += smoothing_value * (inputToKeyEnable - inputToKeyEnableLag);
inputToMixEnableLag += smoothing_value * (inputToMixEnable - inputToMixEnableLag);
inputToSendEnableLag += smoothing_value * (inputToSendEnable - inputToSendEnableLag);
float inputL =[Buffers::MASTER_INPUT_L][i] * inputVolLag;
float inputR =[Buffers::MASTER_INPUT_R][i] * inputVolLag;
@ -581,7 +585,7 @@ void Jack::processFrames(int nframes)[Buffers::SIDECHAIN_SIGNAL_R][i] += inputR * inputToXSideVolLag;
//compute master volume lag;
masterVolLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (masterVol - masterVolLag);
masterVolLag += smoothing_value * (masterVol - masterVolLag);
/// mixdown returns into master buffers[Buffers::JACK_MASTER_OUT_L][i] = (L + returnL*returnVolLag) * masterVolLag;[Buffers::JACK_MASTER_OUT_R][i] = (R + returnR*returnVolLag) * masterVolLag;

View File

@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ public:
int bindingActive;
JackSendReturn *getJackSendReturn(int t);
const float smoothing_value;
int lastnframes;
jack_client_t* client;

View File

@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ void JackSendReturn::process(unsigned int nframes, Buffers *buffers)
for(int i=0; i<nframes; i++) {
_sendVolLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (_sendVol - _sendVolLag);
_sendVolLag += jack->smoothing_value * (_sendVol - _sendVolLag);
sendL[i] = _sendVolLag * sendtrackL[i];
sendR[i] = _sendVolLag * sendtrackR[i];
_activeLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (float(_active) - _activeLag);
_activeLag += jack->smoothing_value * (float(_active) - _activeLag);
rettrackL[i] = retL[i] * _activeLag + sendtrackL[i] * std::fabs(_activeLag - 1);
rettrackR[i] = retR[i] * _activeLag + sendtrackR[i] * std::fabs(_activeLag - 1);

View File

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ void TrackOutput::process(unsigned int nframes, Buffers* buffers)
int trackoffset = track * NCHANNELS;
//compute master volume lag;
_toMasterLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (_toMaster - _toMasterLag);
_toMasterLag += jack->smoothing_value * (_toMaster - _toMasterLag);
// get & zero track buffer
float* trackBufferL = buffers->audio[Buffers::RETURN_TRACK_0_L + trackoffset];
@ -178,21 +178,21 @@ void TrackOutput::process(unsigned int nframes, Buffers* buffers)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nframes; i++) {
//compute master volume lag;
_toMasterLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (_toMaster - _toMasterLag);
_toMasterLag += jack->smoothing_value * (_toMaster - _toMasterLag);
// compute pan lag:
_panLLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (_panL - _panLLag);
_panRLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (_panR - _panRLag);
_panLLag += jack->smoothing_value * (_panL - _panLLag);
_panRLag += jack->smoothing_value * (_panR - _panRLag);
// compute send volume lag:
_toSendLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (_toSend - _toSendLag);
_toSendLag += jack->smoothing_value * (_toSend - _toSendLag);
// compute sidechain signal lag
_toPostSidechainLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (_toPostSidechain - _toPostSidechainLag);
_toPostSidechainLag += jack->smoothing_value * (_toPostSidechain - _toPostSidechainLag);
// compute discrete lag values
_toPostfaderActiveLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (float(_toPostfaderActive) - _toPostfaderActiveLag);
_toKeyActiveLag += SMOOTHING_CONST * (float(_toKeyActive) - _toKeyActiveLag);
_toPostfaderActiveLag += jack->smoothing_value * (float(_toPostfaderActive) - _toPostfaderActiveLag);
_toKeyActiveLag += jack->smoothing_value * (float(_toKeyActive) - _toKeyActiveLag);
// * master for "post-fader" sends
float tmpL = trackBufferL[i];