Loopp =============================== Welcome to the repository of Loopp, a free and Open Source Live Performance Tool. * [Official web page](https://loopp.soundship.de) * [User documentation](https://loopp.soundship.de/pages/User%20Guide.html) ![screenshot](resources/screenshots/latest.png "Loopp Screenshot") Dependencies ----- Please ensure the -dev versions are installed. ```bash JACK CAIRO LIBLO LIBSNDFILE LIBSAMPLERATE NTK ( git clone git://git.tuxfamily.org/gitroot/non/fltk.git ntk ) ``` Install ------- Run the following commands from the top directory to configure & install Luppp: ```bash meson build cd build ninja ./luppp ``` Issues ------ Please report bugs on [https://git.netzspielplatz.de/soundship/loopp/issues](https://git.netzspielplatz.de/soundship/loopp/issues) Contact ------- If you have a particular question, email us! ``` mail@soundship.de ```