/* * Author: Harry van Haaren 2013 * harryhaaren@gmail.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "gui.hxx" #include "avtk/avtk_image.h" #include "avtk/avtk_button.h" #include #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers" // ONLY to be used for QUIT! #include "jack.hxx" extern Jack* jack; #include "audiobuffer.hxx" #include "controller/nonseq.hxx" #include "controller/genericmidi.hxx" #include "icon.xpm" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // include the header.c file in the planning dir: // its the GIMP .c export of the LUPPP header image #include "../planning/header.c" #include "../planning/luppp.c" #include "../planning/bg.c" using namespace std; extern Gui* gui; extern int signalHanlderInt; static void signalChecker(void*) { if ( signalHanlderInt ) { // Luppp recieved either a SIGTERM or SIGINT: quit gracefully gui->quit(); } else { Fl::repeat_timeout( 0.1, (Fl_Timeout_Handler)&signalChecker, 0 ); } } void close_cb(Fl_Widget*o, void*) { if ( (Fl::event() == FL_KEYDOWN || Fl::event() == FL_SHORTCUT) && Fl::event_key() == FL_Escape) { // on excape, as about quitting gui->askQuit(); } else { gui->quit(); } } static void gui_static_read_rb(void* inst) { handleGuiEvents(); Fl::repeat_timeout( 1 / 30.f, &gui_static_read_rb, inst); } static void gui_static_nsm_cb(void* inst) { nsm_check_nowait( gui->getNsm() ); Fl::repeat_timeout( 1 / 30.f, &gui_static_nsm_cb, inst); } void option_controller_cb(Fl_Widget*,void* data) { LUPPP_NOTE("%s","Controller cb"); } static void gui_header_callback(Fl_Widget *w, void *data) { Gui* g = (Gui*)data; if ( Fl::event_x() > 130 ) { return; } Fl_Menu_Item rclick_menu[] = { { "New Session" }, { "Load Session" }, { "Save Session ", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, { "Setup", 0, 0, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER}, { "Quit" }, { 0 } }; // check for NSM running, deactivate new / save / load if yes if ( gui->getNsm() ) { rclick_menu[1].deactivate(); rclick_menu[2].deactivate(); } Fl_Menu_Item *m = (Fl_Menu_Item*) rclick_menu->popup( 10, 38, 0, 0, 0); if ( !m ) { return; } else if ( strcmp(m->label(), "New Session") == 0 ) { int yes = fl_choice("Start a new session?","Cancel","Yes",0); if ( yes ) { gui->reset(); } } else if ( strcmp(m->label(), "Load Session") == 0 ) { std::string tmp; { // Create the file chooser, and show it Fl_File_Chooser chooser(gui->getProjectsDir().c_str(), "*", Fl_File_Chooser::DIRECTORY, "Load Session"); chooser.show(); // Block until user picks something. // (The other way to do this is to use a callback()) // while(chooser.shown()) { Fl::wait(); } // User hit cancel? if ( chooser.value() == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "(User hit 'Cancel')\n"); return; } // Print what the user picked fprintf(stderr, "--------------------\n"); fprintf(stderr, "DIRECTORY: '%s'\n", chooser.directory()); fprintf(stderr, " VALUE: '%s'\n", chooser.value()); fprintf(stderr, " COUNT: %d files selected\n", chooser.count()); tmp = chooser.value(); chooser.hide(); /* // try to make the Load window dissapear *now* Fl::check(); Fl::flush(); Fl::wait(0); */ } LUPPP_NOTE( "Loading session from dir %s", tmp.c_str() ); // clear the current session: just do a state reset EventStateReset e; writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); int sess = gui->getDiskReader()->readSession( tmp ); if ( sess != LUPPP_RETURN_OK ) LUPPP_ERROR( "Error loading session" ); return; } else if ( strcmp(m->label(), "Save Session ") == 0 ) { const char* name = fl_input( "Save session as", gui->getDiskWriter()->getLastSaveName().c_str() ); if ( name ) { gui->getDiskWriter()->initialize( gui->getProjectsDir().c_str(), name ); LUPPP_NOTE("%s %s","Saving session as ", name ); EventSessionSave e; writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); } } else if ( strcmp(m->label(), "Setup") == 0 ) { g->getOptionsWindow()->show(); } else if ( strcmp(m->label(), "Quit") == 0 ) { g->askQuit(); } } OptionsWindow* Gui::getOptionsWindow() { return optionWindow; } void Gui::selectLoadController(Fl_Widget* w, void*) { // FIXME: refactor string path; Fl_Native_File_Chooser fnfc; fnfc.title("Pick a controller definition"); fnfc.type(Fl_Native_File_Chooser::BROWSE_FILE); fnfc.filter("Controllers\t*.ctlr"); fnfc.directory( getenv("HOME") ); // default directory to use // Show native chooser switch ( fnfc.show() ) { case -1: printf("ERROR: %s\n", fnfc.errmsg()); break; // ERROR case 1: printf("CANCEL\n"); break; // CANCEL default: printf("Loading controller at %s\n", fnfc.filename()); path = fnfc.filename(); break; } if ( strcmp( path.c_str(), "" ) == 0 ) return; LUPPP_NOTE("%s","ADD Controller cb"); Controller* c = new GenericMIDI( path ); if ( c->status() == Controller::CONTROLLER_OK ) { EventControllerInstance e(c); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); } else { LUPPP_ERROR("Controller initialization failed!"); } } void Gui::setProjectsDir(string dir) { lupppProjectsDir=dir; } string Gui::getProjectsDir() { return lupppProjectsDir; } void Gui::selectSaveSample( int track, int scene ) { EventClipSave e = EventClipSave(track, scene); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); } char * Gui::selectSavePath() { string path; Fl_Native_File_Chooser fnfc; fnfc.title("Save filename?"); fnfc.type(Fl_Native_File_Chooser::BROWSE_SAVE_FILE); std::string defLoadPath = gui->getDiskReader()->getLastLoadedSamplePath(); fnfc.directory( defLoadPath.c_str() ); // default directory to use // Show native chooser switch ( fnfc.show() ) { case -1: /*printf("ERROR: %s\n", fnfc.errmsg()); */ break; // ERROR case 1: /*(printf("CANCEL\n"); */ break; // CANCEL default: /*printf("Loading directory: %s\n", fnfc.filename()); */ path = fnfc.filename(); break; } if ( strcmp( path.c_str(), "" ) == 0 ) return 0; return strdup(path.c_str()); } void Gui::selectLoadSample( int track, int scene ) { // FIXME: refactor string path; Fl_Native_File_Chooser fnfc; fnfc.title("Pick a file"); fnfc.type(Fl_Native_File_Chooser::BROWSE_FILE); fnfc.filter("Audio\t{*.aiff,*.wav,*.flac,*.ogg}"); std::string defLoadPath = gui->getDiskReader()->getLastLoadedSamplePath(); fnfc.directory( defLoadPath.c_str() ); // default directory to use // Show native chooser switch ( fnfc.show() ) { case -1: /*printf("ERROR: %s\n", fnfc.errmsg()); */ break; // ERROR case 1: /*(printf("CANCEL\n"); */ break; // CANCEL default: /*printf("Loading directory: %s\n", fnfc.filename()); */ path = fnfc.filename(); break; } if ( strcmp( path.c_str(), "" ) == 0 ) return; // diskReader loads sample, and parses for sample.cfg diskReader->loadSample( track, scene, path ); } AudioEditor* Gui::getAudioEditor() { return audioEditor; } static int cb_nsm_open (const char *name, const char *display_name, const char *client_id, char **out_msg, void *userdata ) { LUPPP_NOTE("NSM: Open, displayname: %s", display_name ); Jack::setup( client_id ); // we *must* get the samplerate here: loading files depends on this information! gui->samplerate = jack->getSamplerate(); stringstream loadPath; loadPath << name; // load the NSM provided directory gui->getDiskReader()->readSession( loadPath.str() ); // initialize the disk-writer to the same directory: // we *always* overwrite the old save file when using NSM gui->getDiskWriter()->initialize( name, display_name ); return ERR_OK; } static int cb_nsm_save ( char **out_msg, void *userdata ) { LUPPP_NOTE("NSM: saving..." ); // disk-writer already initialized to the right directory, so just write! EventSessionSave e; writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 0; } Gui::Gui(const char* argZero) : samplerate( 0 ), window(1110,700), enablePerTrackOutput(false), diskReader( new DiskReader() ), diskWriter( new DiskWriter() ) { gui = this; // setup window icon before calling show() fl_open_display(); Fl_Pixmap* pixmap = new Fl_Pixmap( icon_xpm ); Fl_Offscreen lupppIcon = XCreatePixmap(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, fl_screen), pixmap->w(), pixmap->h(), fl_visual->depth); fl_gc = XCreateGC(fl_display, lupppIcon, 0, 0); fl_begin_offscreen(lupppIcon); pixmap->draw(0,0); fl_end_offscreen(); delete pixmap; XFreeGC(fl_display, fl_gc); window.icon( (void*)lupppIcon ); // setup callback to signalChecker() Fl::add_timeout( 0.1, (Fl_Timeout_Handler)&signalChecker, 0 ); // add keyboard shortcut handler Fl::add_handler( keyboardHandler ); //window.resize( false ); window.xclass("luppp"); window.iconlabel("luppp"); window.color(FL_BLACK); window.label("Luppp"); window.callback( close_cb, 0 ); window.size_range( 800, 450 ); window.color( fl_rgb_color (7,7,7) ); // horizontal no-resize-images group Fl_Group* headerImages = new Fl_Group( 0, 0, 1110, 650, "header"); { //Fl_Pack* vHeaderImages = new Fl_Pack( 0, 0, 1110, 650, "verticalHeader"); { Avtk::Image* bgImage = new Avtk::Image(0,0,1920,36,"bg"); bgImage->setPixbuf( bgImg.pixel_data, 4 ); Avtk::Image* lupppImage = new Avtk::Image(0,0,130,36,"luppp"); lupppImage->setPixbuf( lupppImg.pixel_data, 4 ); lupppImage->callback( gui_header_callback, this ); Avtk::Image* headerImage = new Avtk::Image( window.w() - 270,0,270,36,"header"); headerImage->setPixbuf( header.pixel_data, 4 ); headerImage->stickToRight = true; Fl_Box* box = new Fl_Box( 130, 0, 400, 36 ); headerImages->resizable( box ); //vHeaderImages->set_vertical(); //vHeaderImages->relayout(); } //vHeaderImages->end(); Fl_Box* box = new Fl_Box( 130, 0, 400, 36 ); headerImages->resizable( box ); } headerImages->end(); // create a new "Group" with all Luppp GUI contents, for resizing lupppGroup = new Fl_Group( 0, 0, 1110, 700, "Luppp"); { int i = 0; for (; i < NTRACKS; i++ ) { stringstream s; s << "Track " << i+1; tracks.push_back( std::make_shared(8 + i * 118, 40, 110, 650, s.str().c_str() ) ); } master = new GMasterTrack(8 + i * 118, 40, 150, 650, "Master"); } lupppGroup->end(); window.resizable( lupppGroup ); window.end(); specialTrack = 0; specialScene = 0; tracks.at( specialTrack )->getClipSelector()->setSpecial( specialScene ); optionWindow = new OptionsWindow(); // Create AudioEditor after window.end() has been called audioEditor = new AudioEditor(); // read settings file using diskreader, and setup controllers etc int prefs = diskReader->loadPreferences(); if ( prefs != LUPPP_RETURN_OK ) { LUPPP_WARN("No preferences loaded, using defaults."); } else { LUPPP_NOTE("Loaded preferences"); } // NSM stuff nsm = 0; const char *nsm_url = getenv( "NSM_URL" ); if ( nsm_url ) { nsm = nsm_new(); nsm_set_open_callback( nsm, cb_nsm_open, this ); nsm_set_save_callback( nsm, cb_nsm_save, this ); if ( nsm_init( nsm, nsm_url ) == 0 ) { nsm_send_announce( nsm, "Luppp", "", argZero ); LUPPP_NOTE("Announcing to NSM"); } else { nsm_free( nsm ); nsm = 0; } } } void Gui::addMidiControllerToSetup(std::string c) { controllerVector.push_back( c ); } void Gui::setupMidiControllers() { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < controllerVector.size(); i++) { GenericMIDI* c = new GenericMIDI( controllerVector.at(i).c_str() ); if ( c ) { EventControllerInstance e(c); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); } } } void Gui::reset() { // signal to DSP to reset state EventStateReset ev; writeToDspRingbuffer( &ev ); // clear UI state: track names / scene names for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NTRACKS; i++) { stringstream s; s << "Track " << i+1; tracks.at(i)->bg.copy_label( s.str().c_str() ); for(unsigned int s = 0; s < NSCENES; s++) { tracks.at(i)->getClipSelector()->clipName( s, "" ); } } for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NSCENES; i++) { stringstream s; s << "Scene " << i+1; master->getClipSelector()->clipName( i, s.str() ); } } std::shared_ptr Gui::getTrack(int id) const { return tracks.at(id); } int Gui::show() { window.show(); gui_static_read_rb( this ); // only launch NSM check callbacks if NSM is setup if ( gui->getNsm() ) gui_static_nsm_cb( this ); return Fl::run(); } int Gui::quit() { // close JACK client jack->quit(); // ensure the subwindows are closed optionWindow->hide(); audioEditor->hide(); // quit main window, causing program termination window.hide(); return 0; } void Gui::askQuit() { int quit = fl_choice("Really Quit?","Cancel","Quit",0); if ( quit ) { // JUST QUIT gui->quit(); } } int Gui::keyboardHandler(int event) { switch( event ) { case FL_SHORTCUT: if ( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "1" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 0, 0, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "2" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 1, 0, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "3" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 2, 0, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "4" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 3, 0, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "5" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 4, 0, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "6" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 5, 0, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "7" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 6, 0, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "8" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 7, 0, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "!" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 0, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "@" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 1, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "\"" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 1, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); // for UK/Ireland keyboards writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "#" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 2, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "£" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 2, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); // for UK/Ireland keyboards writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "$" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 3, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "%" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 4, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "^" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 5, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "&" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 6, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "*" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 7, 0, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "q" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 0, 1, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "w" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 1, 1, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "e" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 2, 1, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "r" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 3, 1, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "t" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 4, 1, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "y" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 5, 1, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "u" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 6, 1, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "i" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 7, 1, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "Q" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 0, 1, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "W" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 1, 1, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "E" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 2, 1, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "R" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 3, 1, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "T" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 4, 1, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "Y" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 5, 1, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "U" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 6, 1, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "I" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 7, 1, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "a" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 0, 2, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "s" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 1, 2, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "d" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 2, 2, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "f" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 3, 2, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "g" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 4, 2, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "h" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 5, 2, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "j" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 6, 2, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "k" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 7, 2, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "A" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 0, 2, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "S" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 1, 2, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "D" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 2, 2, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "F" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 3, 2, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "G" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 4, 2, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "H" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 5, 2, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "J" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 6, 2, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "K" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 7, 2, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "z" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 0, 3, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "x" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 1, 3, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "c" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 2, 3, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "v" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 3, 3, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "b" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 4, 3, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "n" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 5, 3, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "m" ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 6, 3, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "," ) == 0 ) { EventGridEvent e( 7, 3, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "Z" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 0, 3, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "X" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 1, 3, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "C" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 2, 3, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "V" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 3, 3, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "B" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 4, 3, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "N" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 5, 3, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "M" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 6, 3, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "<" ) == 0 ) { EventGridState e( 7, 3, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "9" ) == 0 ) { EventGridLaunchScene e( 0 ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "o" ) == 0 ) { EventGridLaunchScene e( 1 ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "l" ) == 0 ) { EventGridLaunchScene e( 2 ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else if( strcmp( Fl::event_text(), "." ) == 0 ) { EventGridLaunchScene e( 3 ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } else { //printf("%s\n", Fl::event_text() ); return 1; } } // keyboard arrows / space to special key mapping if ( Fl::event_key( 32 ) && Fl::event_state( FL_SHIFT ) ) { //spacebar + shift EventGridState e( gui->specialTrack, gui->specialScene, GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } if ( Fl::event_key( 32 ) ) { //spacebar EventGridEvent e( gui->specialTrack, gui->specialScene, true ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } if ( Fl::event_key( FL_Left ) ) { EventGridSelectNewChosen e( gui->specialTrack-1, gui->specialScene ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } if ( Fl::event_key( FL_Right ) ) { EventGridSelectNewChosen e( gui->specialTrack+1, gui->specialScene ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } if ( Fl::event_key( FL_Up ) ) { EventGridSelectNewChosen e( gui->specialTrack , gui->specialScene-1); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } if ( Fl::event_key( FL_Down ) ) { EventGridSelectNewChosen e( gui->specialTrack , gui->specialScene+1); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); return 1; } return 0; } Gui::~Gui() { delete optionWindow; delete audioEditor; delete diskReader; delete diskWriter; delete master; }