# Tup with CONFIG_LUPPP_BUILD_TESTS=y # Compile with: # define BUILD_TESTS # define BUILD_COVERAGE_TEST # -lgcov # run the tests: # Luppp quits after tests are finished # gcov scrapes .gcna / .gcdo files, produces .gcov files # cp source files into dir: needed for analysis by lcov # lcov scrapes .gcov files into lcov.info # genhtml produces index.html from lcov.info #set -e make && ./bin/luppp -test -stopAfterTest if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then notify-send -t 5 "Luppp: Tests passed..." else notify-send -t 10 -u critical "Luppp: Build / Test Failed!" fi exit ##################################### FILE=buildTest/build.success rm -f $(FILE) tup upd buildTest/ ; if [ ! -f $FILE ]; then echo "File not found!" fi if [ -f $FILE ]; then echo "File $FILE exists." else notify-send -t 0 --urgency=critical "Luppp: Compilation FAILURE!" exit fi sleep 1 cd buildTest/ ./luppp if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then notify-send -t 5 "Luppp: Tests passed successfully..." echo OK else notify-send -t 5 -u critical "Luppp: Test FAILURE!" echo FAIL fi cd src gcov -r -b * cp -r ../../src/* ./ lcov --directory . --capture --output-file lcov.info genhtml lcov.info notify-send -t 5 "Luppp: Test data available..." #firefox src/index.html