/* * Author: Harry van Haaren 2013 * harryhaaren@gmail.com * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef LOOPP_JACK_H #define LOOPP_JACK_H // Library #include #include #include #include #include #include "event.hxx" class MidiIO; class Reverb; class DBMeter; class State; class Logic; class Looper; class Metronome; class GridLogic; class TimeManager; class ControllerUpdater; class JackSendReturn; class TrackOutput; // INPUT_TO //#include "gridlogic.hxx" using namespace std; /** Jack This code contains the JACK client. It allows reading / writing of audio / midi. **/ class Jack { public: Jack(std::string name); ~Jack(); static void setup(std::string name); void activate(); /// quits the JACK client, destroying ports etc. Call only on exit of Loopp. void quit(); int getBuffersize(); int getSamplerate(); // Loopp process callback: bar() events can occur between these void processFrames(int nframes); //Sets the first nframes of all the internal output buffers to zero. NO LIMIT CHECKS void clearInternalBuffers(int nframes); /// get functions for components owned by Jack Looper* getLooper(int t); TrackOutput* getTrackOutput(int t); State* getState() { return state; } Logic* getLogic() { return logic; } Metronome* getMetronome() { return metronome; } int getClipLength() { return clipLength; } bool getFreeRecMode() { return freeRecMode; } GridLogic* getGridLogic() { return gridLogic; } TimeManager* getTimeManager() { return timeManager; } ControllerUpdater* getControllerUpdater() { return controllerUpdater; } float getInputVolume() { return inputVol; } void transportRolling(bool rolling); /// register a MIDI observer void registerMidiIO( MidiIO* mo ); void unregisterMidiIO( MidiIO* mo ); /// set the master i/o volume / sends void inputVolume( float vol ); void masterVolume( float vol ); void returnVolume( float vol ); void inputTo(INPUT_TO to, float v); void inputToActive(INPUT_TO to, bool a); void setClipLength(int l); void setFreeRecMode(bool e); jack_client_t* getJackClientPointer() { return client; }; void resetMidiBindingState(); // MIDI binding creation bool bindingEventRecordEnable; int bindingEventType; int bindingTrack; int bindingScene; int bindingSend; int bindingActive; JackSendReturn *getJackSendReturn(int t); float smoothing_value; // Functions to count number of clips int getRecordedClips () { return recordedClips; }; void addRecordedClip (); void subRecordedClip (); private: int lastnframes; jack_client_t* client; Buffers buffers; TimeManager* timeManager; Metronome* metronome; State* state; Logic* logic; GridLogic* gridLogic; ControllerUpdater* controllerUpdater; int clipLength; bool freeRecMode; unsigned int recordedClips; vector loopers; vector tracksendreturns; vector trackOutputs; vector midiIO; // FX DBMeter* inputMeter; DBMeter* masterMeter; /// *Lag are values that lag behind their corresponding value /// This prohibits audible jumps when rapidly changing the volume float inputVol; float inputVolLag; float masterVol; float masterVolLag; float returnVol; float returnVolLag; float inputToMixVol; float inputToMixVolLag; float inputToSendVol; float inputToSendVolLag; float inputToXSideVol; float inputToXSideVolLag; bool inputToKeyEnable; float inputToKeyEnableLag; bool inputToMixEnable; float inputToMixEnableLag; bool inputToSendEnable; float inputToSendEnableLag; // JACK member variables bool clientActive; int samplerate; jack_port_t* masterInputL; jack_port_t* masterInputR; jack_port_t* masterOutputL; jack_port_t* masterOutputR; jack_port_t* masterReturnL; jack_port_t* masterReturnR; jack_port_t* headphonesPortL; jack_port_t* headphonesPortR; jack_port_t* sidechainKeyOutputL; jack_port_t* sidechainKeyOutputR; jack_port_t* sidechainSignalOutputL; jack_port_t* sidechainSignalOutputR; jack_port_t* sendOutputL; jack_port_t* sendOutputR; jack_port_t* masterMidiInput; jack_port_t* trackJackOutputPorts[NTRACKS*2]; // JACK callback int process (jack_nframes_t); int timebase(jack_transport_state_t, jack_nframes_t, jack_position_t*, int ); // static JACK callbacks static int static_process (jack_nframes_t, void *); static int static_timebase (jack_transport_state_t, jack_nframes_t, jack_position_t*, int, void* ); // UI update variables int uiUpdateCounter; int uiUpdateConstant; }; #endif // LOOPP_JACK_H