#include "goptions.hxx" #include "eventhandler.hxx" #include #include "controller/binding.hxx" #include "controller/controller.hxx" #include "controller/genericmidi.hxx" #include "event.hxx" #include "gui.hxx" extern Gui* gui; static void addControllerUiDsp(OptionsWindow* self, GenericMIDI* c) { // add the controller to the UI int x, y, w, h; self->tabs->client_area( x, y, w, h, 25 ); self->controllers.push_back( new ControllerUI( x, y, w, h, c->getName().c_str(), c->getID() ) ); // store the pointer to the options window: needed to make remove button work self->controllers.back()->optionsWindow = self; LUPPP_NOTE("Added controller %s, ID %i", c->getName().c_str(), c->getID() ); // add widget before "add" button self->tabs->insert( *self->controllers.back()->widget, self->addGroup ); // tell the ControllerUI to add the bindings from this Controller* self->controllers.back()->setAuthor( c->getAuthor() ); self->controllers.back()->setLink( c->getEmail() ); self->controllers.back()->addBindings( c ); self->tabs->redraw(); // send to DSP side EventControllerInstance e(c); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); } static void updateAuthorCB(Fl_Widget* w, void* data) { ControllerUI* c = (ControllerUI*)data; const char* s = fl_input( "Author: ", "" ); if ( s ) { c->setAuthor( s ); } } static void updateLinkCB(Fl_Widget* w, void* data) { ControllerUI* c = (ControllerUI*)data; stringstream str; str << "xdg-open "; // add http:// if its not in the string std::string l = c->getLink(); if ( ( l.find("http") ) == std::string::npos ) str << " http://"; str << l; system( str.str().c_str() ); } static void writeBindEnable(Fl_Widget* w, void* data) { OptionsWindow* o = (OptionsWindow*) data; //LUPPP_NOTE("MIDI bind mode"); Avtk::LightButton* l = (Avtk::LightButton*)w; l->value( !l->value() ); int controllerID = -1; // waste? EventControllerBindingEnable e( controllerID, l->value() ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); } static void removeControllerCB(Fl_Widget* w, void* data) { ControllerUI* self = (ControllerUI*)data; // Remove UI tab for that controller // should return "tabs" from OptionsWindow self->optionsWindow->tabs->remove( self->widget ); self->optionsWindow->tabs->redraw(); // FIXME: confirm action here? //LUPPP_NOTE("Removing controllerID %i", self->controllerID ); EventControllerInstanceRemove e( self->controllerID ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); delete self; } static void addNewController(Fl_Widget* w, void* ud) { OptionsWindow* self = (OptionsWindow*)ud; LUPPP_NOTE("%s","ADD Controller cb"); GenericMIDI* c = 0; const char* name = fl_input( "Controller name: ", "" ); if ( name ) { c = new GenericMIDI( 0, name); } else { return; } if ( c->status() == Controller::CONTROLLER_OK ) { addControllerUiDsp( self, c ); } else { LUPPP_ERROR("Controller initialization failed!"); } } static void selectLoadController(Fl_Widget* w, void* data) { OptionsWindow* self = (OptionsWindow*)data; // FIXME: refactor string path; Fl_Native_File_Chooser fnfc; fnfc.title("Pick a controller definition"); fnfc.type(Fl_Native_File_Chooser::BROWSE_FILE); fnfc.filter("Controllers\t*.ctlr"); stringstream s; s << getenv("HOME") << "/.config/openAV/luppp/controllers/"; fnfc.directory( s.str().c_str() ); // default directory to use // Show native chooser switch ( fnfc.show() ) { case -1: /*printf("ERROR: %s\n", fnfc.errmsg());*/ break; // ERROR case 1: /*printf("CANCEL\n"); */ break; // CANCEL default: //printf("Loading controller at %s\n", fnfc.filename()); path = fnfc.filename(); break; } if ( strcmp( path.c_str(), "" ) == 0 ) return; //LUPPP_NOTE("%s","ADD Controller cb"); GenericMIDI* c = new GenericMIDI( path ); if ( c->status() == Controller::CONTROLLER_OK ) { addControllerUiDsp( self, c ); } else { LUPPP_ERROR("Controller initialization failed!"); } } static void writeControllerFile(Fl_Widget* w, void* data) { ControllerUI* c = (ControllerUI*)data; LUPPP_NOTE("Writing controller %li, %s ID %i .ctlr to disk", c, c->name.c_str(), c->controllerID ); // Set the Controller details in diskWriter, so it write it pretty gui->getDiskWriter()->writeControllerInfo( CONTROLLER_NAME , c->name ); gui->getDiskWriter()->writeControllerInfo( CONTROLLER_AUTHOR, c->getAuthor()); gui->getDiskWriter()->writeControllerInfo( CONTROLLER_LINK , c->getLink() ); EventControllerInstanceGetToWrite e( c->controllerID ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); } static void deleteBindingFromController(Fl_Widget* w, void* ud) { ControllerUI* self = (ControllerUI*)ud; stringstream s; s << w->label(); int tmp; s >> tmp; LUPPP_NOTE("CtlrID %i: Deleting binding with ID %i", self->controllerID, tmp ); EventControllerBindingRemove e( self->controllerID, tmp ); writeToDspRingbuffer( &e ); // remove "this" widget (and its parent Pack) from the list of MIDI bindings: self->bindingsPack->remove( w->parent() ); self->bindingsPack->redraw(); self->scroll->redraw(); } ControllerUI::ControllerUI(int x, int y, int w, int h, std::string n, int ID) { name = n; widget = new Fl_Group( x, y, w, h, name.c_str()); { // author / link authorLabel = new Avtk::Button( x + 5, y + 5, 190, 25, "Author?" ); linkLabel = new Avtk::Button( x + 7+ w/2, y + 5, 190, 25, "Link?" ); authorLabel->label("Author?"); authorLabel->label("Link?"); authorLabel->callback( updateAuthorCB, this ); linkLabel->callback( updateLinkCB, this ); // binding / target targetLabelStat = new Fl_Box(x + 100,y + 32, 75, 25,"Target: "); targetLabel = new Fl_Box(x + 140,y + 32, 200, 25,""); bindEnable = new Avtk::LightButton(x + 5, y + 32, 100, 25, "Bind Enable"); writeControllerBtn = new Avtk::Button( x + 5, y + h - 27, 100, 25, "Save" ); removeController = new Avtk::Button( x + 110, y + h - 27, 100, 25, "Remove"); scroll = new Fl_Scroll( x + 5, y + 82, 395, 265 ); { bindingsPack = new Fl_Pack( x + 5, y + 82, w - 15, 270-10); bindingsPack->end(); bindingsPack->spacing( 2 ); bindingsPack->box(FL_DOWN_FRAME); } scroll->resizable( bindingsPack ); scroll->box( FL_DOWN_FRAME ); scroll->type( Fl_Scroll::VERTICAL_ALWAYS ); scroll->end(); widget->resizable( scroll ); } widget->end(); widget->redraw(); // save the controller ID this ControllerUI represents controllerID = ID; LUPPP_NOTE("Controller %li ID on create %i", this, controllerID ); //ctlrButton->callback( selectLoadController ); bindEnable->callback( writeBindEnable, this ); removeController->callback( removeControllerCB, this ); writeControllerBtn->callback( writeControllerFile, this ); } void OptionsWindow::setTarget(const char* n) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < controllers.size(); i++ ) { controllers.at(i)->setTarget( n ); } } void ControllerUI::setTarget( const char* n ) { target = n; targetLabel->label( target.c_str() ); targetLabel->redraw(); } void ControllerUI::setAuthor(std::string a) { author = a; authorLabel->label( author.c_str() ); authorLabel->redraw(); } void ControllerUI::setLink(std::string e) { link = e; linkLabel->label( link.c_str() ); linkLabel->redraw(); } void ControllerUI::setBindEnable( bool b ) { bindEnable->value( b ); } void ControllerUI::addBinding( Binding* b ) { if ( b->action != EVENT_NULL ) { // add individual bindings as they're made const char* tmp = Event::getPrettyName( b->action ); if ( !tmp ) { #ifdef DEBUG_MIDI LUPPP_NOTE("new binding, action string returned NULL, action number %i ", b->action ); #endif return; } } else { LUPPP_WARN("new binding, action: == EVENT_NULL" ); return; } // push the bindingID onto the vector bindingID.push_back( b->ID ); // create a horizontal pack, add that to the bindingsPack Fl_Pack* tmp = new Fl_Pack( 35, 35, 25, 25); { tmp->type( Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL ); tmp->spacing( 2 ); stringstream s; if ( b->action == MASTER_VOL ) s << "Master Volume"; else if ( false ) s << "stuff"; else s << Event::getPrettyName( b->action ); if (b->track != -2) s << " Track:" << b->track + 1; if (b->scene != -1) s << " Scene:" << b->scene + 1; if ( b->send == Event::SEND_POSTFADER ) s << " Post-fader Send"; if ( b->send == Event::SEND_XSIDE ) s << " Sidechain Crossfade"; if ( b->send == Event::SEND_KEY ) s << " Sidechain Key"; if ( b->active != -1) { if ( b->active == true ) s << " On"; if ( b->active == false ) s << " Off"; } // button to remove a binding, uses bindingsID vector to get unique number stringstream id; id << b->ID; Fl_Button* but = new Fl_Button(35, 35, 25, 25, strdup(id.str().c_str() ) ); but->callback( deleteBindingFromController, this ); but->redraw(); Fl_Box* b = new Fl_Box(35, 35, 400, 25, strdup(s.str().c_str()) ); b->align( FL_ALIGN_LEFT | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ); b->redraw(); } tmp->end(); // push the binding to the UI pack, *and* store its binding ID in the same // array element in the bindingID vector. Used to remove bindings bindingsPack->add( tmp ); bindingsPack->resize( bindingsPack->x(),bindingsPack->y(),bindingsPack->w(),bindingsPack->children() * 36 ); bindingsPack->redraw(); scroll->redraw(); //LUPPP_NOTE("binding size %i %i", bindingsPack->w(), bindingsPack->h() ); } void ControllerUI::addBindings( GenericMIDI* c ) { std::vector bindingVector= c->getMidiToAction(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < bindingVector.size(); i++ ) { addBinding( bindingVector.at(i) ); } } ControllerUI::~ControllerUI() { // free all binding resources here: delete authorLabel; delete linkLabel; delete targetLabel; delete targetLabelStat; delete bindEnable; delete removeController; delete writeControllerBtn; } OptionsWindow::OptionsWindow() { window = new Fl_Double_Window(400,400,"Options"); window->set_non_modal(); tabs = new Fl_Tabs(0, 0, 400, 400); window->resizable( tabs ); int x, y, w, h; tabs->client_area( x, y, w, h, 25 ); addGroup = new Fl_Group(x,y,w,h,"Add"); { newButton = new Avtk::Button( x+2, y+2, w-4, 30, "New Generic MIDI"); loadButton = new Avtk::Button( x+2, y+2+32, w-4, 30, "Load Generic MIDI"); } addGroup->end(); tabs->end(); newButton ->callback( addNewController, this ); loadButton->callback( selectLoadController, this ); window->end(); } OptionsWindow::~OptionsWindow() { delete newButton; delete loadButton; delete addGroup; delete tabs; delete window; } void OptionsWindow::show() { window->show(); } void OptionsWindow::hide() { window->hide(); } ControllerUI* OptionsWindow::getControllerUI(int id) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < controllers.size(); i++ ) { if ( controllers.at(i)->controllerID == id ) { return controllers.at(i); } } // error: controller not found! return 0; }