
241 lines
5.3 KiB

#include "looper.hxx"
#include "jack.hxx"
#include "eventhandler.hxx"
extern Jack* jack;
Looper::Looper(int t) :
numBeats (4),
endPoint (0),
playPoint (0),
// init faust pitch shift variables
fSamplingFreq = 44100;
IOTA = 0;
int bufferSize = 1024;
for ( int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
for (int i=0; i<65536; i++)
fVec0[i] = 0;
semitoneShift = 0.0f;
windowSize = 1000;
crossfadeSize = 1000;
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
fRec0[i] = 0;
void Looper::midi(unsigned char* data)
if ( data[0] - 144 == track )
switch ( data[1] )
case 48: setState( STATE_RECORD_QUEUED ); break;
case 53: setState( STATE_PLAY_QUEUED ); break;
case 52: setState( STATE_STOPPED ); break;
else if ( data[0] - 128 == track )
switch ( data[1] )
case 48: setState( STATE_STOP_QUEUED );
void Looper::setState(State s)
if ( state == STATE_RECORDING )
stopRecordOnBar = true;
state = s;
if (state == STATE_RECORD_QUEUED )
numBeats = 0;
unsigned char data[3];
data[0] == 144 + track;
data[1] == 48; // record LED
data[2] == 127;
jack->writeApcOutput( &data[0] );
cout << "wrote to APC" << endl;
void Looper::process(int nframes, Buffers* buffers)
float* in = buffers->audio[Buffers::MASTER_INPUT];
float* out = buffers->audio[Buffers::MASTER_OUTPUT];
float playbackSpeed = endPoint / ( float(numBeats) * fpb );
// invert the change due to speed, and pitch-shift it back to normal :D
float deltaPitch = 12 * log ( playbackSpeed ) / log (2);
semitoneShift = -deltaPitch;
if (track == 0)
// log pitch-shift rates
char buffer [50];
sprintf (buffer, "Looper, pbs=%f, dP=%f", playbackSpeed, deltaPitch );
EventGuiPrint e( buffer );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
if ( state == STATE_PLAYING )
for(int i = 0; i < nframes; i++)
if ( playPoint < endPoint )
tmpBuffer[i] = sample[playPoint];
// always update playPoint, even when not playing sound.
// it updates the UI of progress
// not pitch-shift the audio in the buffer
pitchShift( nframes, &tmpBuffer[0], out);
float prog = (float(playPoint) / (fpb*numBeats));
if ( track == 0 )
cout << prog << " playPoint " << playPoint << " endPoint " << endPoint
<< " fpb*numBeats " << fpb * numBeats << endl;
EventLooperProgress e(track, prog );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
// stopRecordOnBar ensures we record right up to the bar measure
else if ( state == STATE_RECORDING || stopRecordOnBar )
for(int i = 0; i < nframes; i++)
if ( lastWrittenSampleIndex < 44100 * 60 )
sample[lastWrittenSampleIndex++] = in[i];
void Looper::bar()
// queue stop recording -> stop recording, now calculate beats in loop
if ( stopRecordOnBar )
stopRecordOnBar = false;
if ( playedBeats >= numBeats )
playPoint = 0;
playedBeats = 0;
if ( state == STATE_PLAY_QUEUED )
EventGuiPrint e( "Looper Q->Playing" );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
playPoint = 0;
endPoint = lastWrittenSampleIndex;
if ( state == STATE_RECORD_QUEUED )
EventGuiPrint e( "Looper Q->Recording" );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
playPoint = 0;
endPoint = 0;
lastWrittenSampleIndex = 0;
if ( state == STATE_PLAY_QUEUED )
EventGuiPrint e( "Looper Q->Stopped" );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
endPoint = lastWrittenSampleIndex;
void Looper::beat()
if (state == STATE_RECORDING || stopRecordOnBar )
void Looper::setLoopLength(float l)
numBeats *= l;
// smallest loop = 4 beats
if ( numBeats < 4 )
numBeats = 4;
char buffer [50];
sprintf (buffer, "Looper loop lenght = %i", numBeats );
EventGuiPrint e( buffer );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
void Looper::pitchShift(int count, float* input, float* output)
float fSlow0 = windowSize;
float fSlow1 = ((1 + fSlow0) - powf(2,(0.08333333333333333f * semitoneShift)));
float fSlow2 = (1.0f / crossfadeSize);
float fSlow3 = (fSlow0 - 1);
float* input0 = &input[0];
float* output0 = &output[0];
for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
float fTemp0 = (float)input0[i];
fVec0[IOTA&65535] = fTemp0;
fRec0[0] = fmodf((fRec0[1] + fSlow1),fSlow0);
int iTemp1 = int(fRec0[0]);
int iTemp2 = (1 + iTemp1);
float fTemp3 = min((fSlow2 * fRec0[0]), 1.f );
float fTemp4 = (fSlow0 + fRec0[0]);
int iTemp5 = int(fTemp4);
output0[i] += (float)(((1 - fTemp3) * (((fTemp4 - iTemp5) *
fVec0[(IOTA-int((int((1 + iTemp5)) & 65535)))&65535]) + ((0 - ((
fRec0[0] + fSlow3) - iTemp5)) * fVec0[(IOTA-int((iTemp5 & 65535)))
&65535]))) + (fTemp3 * (((fRec0[0] - iTemp1) * fVec0[(IOTA-int((int(
iTemp2) & 65535)))&65535]) + ((iTemp2 - fRec0[0]) * fVec0[(IOTA-int((
iTemp1 & 65535)))&65535]))));
fRec0[1] = fRec0[0];