
330 lines
10 KiB

#include "diskwriter.hxx"
#include "config.hxx"
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "gui.hxx"
#include "gmastertrack.hxx"
#include "controller/genericmidi.hxx"
#include <sndfile.hh>
extern Gui* gui;
using namespace std;
sessionJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
audioJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
sessionDir = getenv("HOME");
sessionName = "lupppSession";
foldersCreated = false;
void DiskWriter::initialize(std::string path, std::string name )
sessionName = name;
sessionPath = path;
// write session.luppp JSON node to <path>/<sessionName>.luppp
stringstream sessionDirStream;
sessionDirStream << path << "/" << sessionName;
sessionDir = sessionDirStream.str();
int sessionDirError = mkdir( sessionDir.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH );
if ( sessionDirError )
// handle by using different filename?
LUPPP_WARN("%s","Error creating session directory");
stringstream audioDirStream;
audioDirStream << sessionDir << "/audio";
audioDir = audioDirStream.str();
LUPPP_NOTE("%s %s","Creating audio dir ", audioDir.c_str() );
int audioDirError = mkdir( audioDir.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH );
// FIXME: error check mkdir for error return
if ( audioDirError )
LUPPP_WARN("%s","Error creating sample directory");
foldersCreated = true;
std::string DiskWriter::getLastSaveName()
return sessionName;
std::string DiskWriter::getLastSavePath()
return sessionPath;
int DiskWriter::writeControllerFile(std::string name ,
std::string author,
std::string link ,
Controller* c )
// check if controller of ID is actually a GenericMIDI controller
GenericMIDI* g = dynamic_cast<GenericMIDI*>( c );
if ( g )
LUPPP_NOTE("Writing .ctlr file...");
cJSON* controllerJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject ( controllerJson, "name", cJSON_CreateString( name.c_str() ));
cJSON_AddItemToObject ( controllerJson, "author", cJSON_CreateString( author.c_str() ));
cJSON_AddItemToObject ( controllerJson, "link", cJSON_CreateString( link.c_str() ));
// input bindings
std::vector<Binding*> b = g->getMidiToAction();
cJSON* inputBindings = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(controllerJson, "inputBindings", inputBindings );
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++ )
// create binding
cJSON* binding = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToArray( inputBindings, binding );
// add metadata to binding
// FIXME: get action string from Event class: need to move function from GenericMIDI to there
cJSON_AddItemToObject( binding, "action", cJSON_CreateString( "gridlogic:launchscene" ) );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "status", b.at(i)->status );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "data" , b.at(i)->data );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "track" , b.at(i)->track );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "scene" , b.at(i)->scene );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "send" , b.at(i)->send );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "active", b.at(i)->active );
//std::vector<Binding*> b = g->getMidiToAction();
cJSON* outputBindings = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(controllerJson, "outputBindings", outputBindings );
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++ )
// create binding
cJSON* binding = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToArray( outputBindings, binding );
// add metadata to binding
// FIXME: get action string from Event class: need to move function from GenericMIDI to there
cJSON_AddItemToObject( binding, "action", cJSON_CreateString( "gridlogic:launchscene" ) );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "status", b.at(i)->status );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "data" , b.at(i)->data );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "track" , b.at(i)->track );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "scene" , b.at(i)->scene );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "send" , b.at(i)->send );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( binding, "active", b.at(i)->active );
// write the sample JSON node to <samplePath>/sample.cfg
stringstream controllerCfgPath;
controllerCfgPath << getenv("HOME") << "/.config/openAV/luppp/" << name << ".ctlr";
ofstream controllerCfgFile;
controllerCfgFile.open ( controllerCfgPath.str().c_str() );
controllerCfgFile << cJSON_Print( controllerJson );
LUPPP_WARN("Invalid Controller pointer: cannot write %s as is not a GenericMIDI controller!", c->getName().c_str() );
int DiskWriter::writeAudioBuffer(int track, int scene, AudioBuffer* ab )
if ( !foldersCreated )
LUPPP_WARN("%s", "Session folders not created yet, while trying to write audioBuffers.");
// get the filename
stringstream filename;
filename << "t_" << track << "_s_" << scene << ".wav";
// store the clip in clipData, we will write the session JSON for it in writeSession
clipData.push_back( ClipData( track, scene, filename.str() ) );
// add the AudioBuffer metadata to the sample JSON node
cJSON* sampleClip = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(audioJson, filename.str().c_str(), sampleClip );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject(sampleClip,"beats", ab->getBeats() );
// write the AudioBuffer contents to <path>/audio/ as <name>.wav
// or alternatively t_<track>_s_<scene>.wav
// FIXME: trim trailing / sessionPath from session path if its there
stringstream path;
path << audioDir << "/" << filename.str();
SndfileHandle outfile( path.str(), SFM_WRITE, SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT, 1, gui->samplerate );
cout << "Worker::writeSample() " << path.str() << " size: " << ab->getAudioFrames() << endl;
// FIXME: the size of the buffer is bigger than the audio contained in it:
// calculate the length that needs saving using getBeats() * framesPerBeat
if ( ab->getAudioFrames() > 0 )
outfile.write( &ab->getData()[0], ab->getAudioFrames() );
LUPPP_WARN("%s","Sample has zero samples");
void DiskWriter::writeMaster()
// Master track stuff
cJSON* masterTrack = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(sessionJson, "master", masterTrack );
GMasterTrack* master = gui->getMasterTrack();
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( masterTrack, "fader", master->getVolume()->value() );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( masterTrack, "bpm", gui->getMasterTrack()->getBpm() );
// TODO add samplerate to session JSON
//cJSON_AddNumberToObject( masterTrack, "samplerate", gui->getMasterTrack()->getBpm() );
// scene names
Avtk::ClipSelector* clipSelector = master->getClipSelector();
cJSON* sceneNames = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToObject( masterTrack, "sceneNames", sceneNames );
for(int i = 0; i < NSCENES; i++)
cJSON* sceneName = cJSON_CreateString( clipSelector->clipName(i).c_str() );
cJSON_AddItemToArray( sceneNames, sceneName );
int DiskWriter::writeSession()
if ( !foldersCreated )
LUPPP_WARN("%s", "Session folders not created yet, while trying to write session.");
// add session metadata
cJSON_AddItemToObject ( sessionJson, "session", cJSON_CreateString( sessionName.c_str() ));
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( sessionJson, "version_major", 1 );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( sessionJson, "version_minor", 0 );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( sessionJson, "version_patch", 0 );
// add JSON "tracks" array
cJSON* trackArray = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToObject(sessionJson, "tracks", trackArray );
// write tracks into JSON tracks array
for(int t = 0; t < NTRACKS; t++)
cJSON* track = cJSON_CreateObject();
cJSON_AddItemToArray( trackArray, track );
// add track metadata: volumes, sends etc
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( track, "ID", t );
cJSON_AddStringToObject( track, "name", gui->getTrack(t)->bg.getLabel() );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( track, "fader", gui->getTrack(t)->getVolume()->value() );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( track, "sendAmount" , gui->getTrack(t)->getSend() );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( track, "sendActive" , gui->getTrack(t)->getSendActive() );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( track, "xsideAmount", gui->getTrack(t)->getXSide() );
cJSON_AddNumberToObject( track, "keyActive" , gui->getTrack(t)->getKeyActive() );
// write clipData vector into clip placeholder
cJSON* clips = cJSON_CreateArray();
cJSON_AddItemToObject( track, "clips", clips );
for(int s = 0; s < NSCENES; s++)
// add empty string to array
cJSON* clip = cJSON_CreateString( "" );
cJSON_AddItemToArray( clips, clip );
// replace blank string if clip exists
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < clipData.size(); i++)
if ( clipData.at(i).track == t &&
clipData.at(i).scene == s )
cJSON* newClip = cJSON_CreateString( clipData.at(i).name.c_str() );
cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray( clips, s, newClip );
stringstream sessionLuppp;
sessionLuppp << sessionDir << "/session.luppp";
//cout << "Session dir: " << sessionDir.str() << "\n" << "Sample dir : " << audioDir.str() << endl;
ofstream sessionFile;
sessionFile.open ( sessionLuppp.str().c_str() );
sessionFile << cJSON_Print( sessionJson );
// write the sample JSON node to <samplePath>/sample.cfg
stringstream audioCfg;
audioCfg << audioDir << "/audio.cfg";
ofstream audioCfgFile;
audioCfgFile.open ( audioCfg.str().c_str() );
audioCfgFile << cJSON_Print( audioJson );
// clear the clipData, clean page for next save
// reset the cJSON objects
cJSON_Delete( sessionJson );
cJSON_Delete( audioJson );
sessionJson = cJSON_CreateObject();
audioJson = cJSON_CreateObject();