better representation

Georg Krause 2018-05-08 13:58:16 +02:00
parent 5c945455a2
commit bdf1eedd51
1 changed files with 10 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -10,13 +10,18 @@ strict digraph input {
clip_record [label="Clip Record", shape=box, style=filled, color=blue];
sidechain_signal_volume [label="Sidechain Vol", shape=invtriangle]
sidechain_signal_volume [label="Sidechain Vol", shape=ellipse]
connect[ shape = point, width = 0 ];
master_in -> "Input Volume";
"Input Volume" -> "Mix Volume";
"Mix Volume" -> "Send Volume" -> send_out;
"Input Volume" -> sidechain_key_out;
"Input Volume" -> "Mix Volume" [style=dashed];
"Mix Volume" -> "Send Volume" [style=dashed];
"Send Volume" -> send_out;
"Input Volume" -> sidechain_key_out [style=dashed];
"Input Volume" -> sidechain_signal_volume -> sidechain_signal_out;
sidechain_signal_volume -> master_out;
"Mix Volume" -> connect[ arrowhead = none ];
master_in -> clip_record;
sidechain_signal_volume -> connect[style=dotted, arrowhead=none];
connect -> master_out;