Raymond Wanyoike 2017-03-07 12:09:00 +03:00
parent 905a967172
commit c58d9cf8eb
1 changed files with 16 additions and 78 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
# pelican-alchemy
Alchemy ✨ is a functional, clean, responsive theme for the [Pelican](http://getpelican.com) static site generator. It is heavily inspired by [crowsfoot](http://github.com/porterjamesj/crowsfoot), [clean-blog](https://github.com/BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-clean-blog), and powered by [Bootstrap](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap). Pull requests are welcome!
[Demo website](https://nairobilug.github.io/pelican-alchemy/)!
Alchemy ✨ is a functional, clean, responsive theme for the [Pelican](http://getpelican.com) static site generator. Inspired by [crowsfoot](http://github.com/porterjamesj/crowsfoot) and [clean-blog](https://github.com/BlackrockDigital/startbootstrap-clean-blog).
## Screenshot
@ -10,26 +8,23 @@ Alchemy ✨ is a functional, clean, responsive theme for the [Pelican](http://ge
## Features
- Bootstap 4 (currently v4.0.0-alpha.5)
- Core Pygments [styles](http://pygments.org/demo/)
- Powered by [Bootstap 4](http://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/)
- [Favicon Generator](http://realfavicongenerator.net/) support
- [Font Awesome](http://fontawesome.io/) icons
- [Pygments](http://pygments.org/) syntax highlighting styles
- `sitemap.xml` support
- External analytics (Google Analytics, Gauges, Piwik)
- External comments (Disqus)
- Font Awesome font icons
- No external dependencies
- No JavaScript (excl. Analytics & Comments)
- Pelican `sitemap.xml` support
- realfavicongenerator [package](http://realfavicongenerator.net/blog/new-favicon-package-less-is-more/) support
- Simple Jinja2 templates
## Installation
First, clone the repo:
Clone the repo:
$ git clone git@github.com:nairobilug/pelican-alchemy.git
$ git clone https://github.com/nairobilug/pelican-alchemy
Then point the `THEME` variable in your Pelican config to the `alchemy` folder:
Set the `THEME` variable in your Pelican config:
THEME = '/path/to/pelican-alchemy/alchemy'
THEME = '/PATH_TO_REPO/alchemy'
### As a submodule
@ -44,7 +39,7 @@ And Pelican config:
## Settings
Visit the [settings page](https://nairobilug.github.io/pelican-alchemy/pages/settings.html) for examples:
Visit the [Settings wiki](https://github.com/nairobilug/pelican-alchemy/wiki/Settings) for examples:
- **SITESUBTITLE**: Subtitle that appears in the header.
- **SITEIMAGE**: Image that appears in the header.
@ -53,9 +48,9 @@ Visit the [settings page](https://nairobilug.github.io/pelican-alchemy/pages/set
- **ICONS**: A list of tuples (Icon, URL) for icon links.
- **PYGMENTS_STYLE**: Built-in Pygments style for syntax highlighting.
- **HIDE_AUTHORS**: Hide the author(s) of an article - useful for single author sites.
- **RFG_FAVICONS**: Use a [realfavicongenerator](https://realfavicongenerator.net/blog/new-favicon-package-less-is-more/) package.
- **RFG_FAVICONS**: Use a Favicon Generator package.
Misc settings:
- **GAUGES**
@ -63,65 +58,8 @@ Others:
Example Pelican [config](https://github.com/nairobilug/pelican-alchemy/blob/demo/pelicanconf.py) (demo site).
Example [pelicanconf.py](https://github.com/nairobilug/pelican-alchemy/blob/demo/pelicanconf.py) (demo website).
## Tips
## Tips & Tricks
### Bootstrap classes
To have Bootstrap classes set for rendered html (`.table`, `.img-fluid` etc), use the [Bootstrapify](https://github.com/ingwinlu/pelican-bootstrapify) plugin.
In your Pelican site:
$ mkdir plugins
$ git submodule add https://github.com/ingwinlu/pelican-bootstrapify plugins/pelican-bootstrapify
And Pelican config:
# http://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/plugins.html#how-to-use-plugins
PLUGIN_PATHS = ['plugins']
PLUGINS = ['pelican-bootstrapify']
'table': ['table', 'table-striped', 'table-hover'],
'img': ['img-fluid'],
'blockquote': ['blockquote'],
Use `BOOTSTRAPIFY` to pass a `{'css-selector': ['list-of-classes']}` dict to the plugin. Bootstrapify will append `list-of-classes` to all tags that match `css-selector`.
To use the `RFG_FAVICONS` setting, visit [realfavicongenerator.net](https://realfavicongenerator.net/) to generate a site favicon package and download it.
In your Pelican site:
$ mkdir content/extras
$ unzip /path/to/favicons.zip -d content/extras
And Pelican config:
# https://github.com/getpelican/pelican/wiki/Tips-n-Tricks#second-solution-using-static_paths
STATIC_PATHS = ['extras', 'images']
'extras/android-chrome-192x192.png': {'path': 'android-chrome-192x192.png'},
'extras/apple-touch-icon.png': {'path': 'apple-touch-icon.png'},
'extras/browserconfig.xml': {'path': 'browserconfig.xml'},
Note: `EXTRA_PATH_METADATA` should correspond with the favicon package:
$ unzip -l /path/to/favicons.zip
### Generate `sitemap.xml`
There is a `sitemap.html` Jinja2 template that can be used to [generate a sitemap](https://github.com/getpelican/pelican/wiki/Tips-n-Tricks#generate-sitemapxml).
In your Pelican config:
# Default value is ['index', 'tags', 'categories', 'authors', 'archives']
DIRECT_TEMPLATES = ['index', 'tags', 'categories', 'authors', 'archives', 'sitemap']
SITEMAP_SAVE_AS = 'sitemap.xml'