Unless otherwise specified, settings that refer to paths can be either absolute or relative to the configuration file. ## SITESUBTITLE Subtitle that appears in the header: SITESUBTITLE = 'A magical \u2728 Pelican theme' ## SITEIMAGE Image that appears in the header: SITEIMAGE = '/images/profile.png' You can also force the image size: SITEIMAGE = '/images/profile.svg width=200 height=200' ## DESCRIPTION Index HTML head `` description: DESCRIPTION = 'A functional, clean, responsive theme for Pelican. Heavily ' \ 'inspired by crowsfoot and clean-blog, powered by Bootstrap.' ## LINKS A list of tuples (Title, URL) for menu links: LINKS = ( ('Pelican', 'http://getpelican.com/'), ('Python.org', 'http://python.org/'), ('Jinja2', 'http://jinja.pocoo.org/'), ) ## ICONS A list of tuples (Icon, URL) for icon links: ICONS = ( ('github', 'https://github.com/nairobilug/pelican-alchemy'), ) Icon in (Icon, URL) is a Font Awesome [icon](http://fontawesome.io/icons/) without the `fa-` prefix. ## PYGMENTS_STYLE You can choose one of the built-in Pygments styles for syntax highlighting. By default the `default` style is used: PYGMENTS_STYLE = 'default' The following styles are available: - algol - algol_nu - autumn - borland - bw - colorful - default - emacs - friendly - fruity - igor - lovelace - manni - monokai - murphy - native - paraiso-dark - paraiso-light - pastie - perldoc - rrt - tango - trac - vim - vs - xcode For a demo of the different styles, see [link](http://pygments.org/demo/). ## HIDE_AUTHORS Hide the author(s) of an article - useful for single author sites: HIDE_AUTHORS = True ## NEW_FAVICONS Use a [realfavicongenerator](https://realfavicongenerator.net/blog/new-favicon-package-less-is-more/) favicon package: RFG_FAVICONS = True --- DISQUS_SITENAME = '...' GAUGES = '...' GOOGLE_ANALYTICS = '...' PIWIK_URL = '...' PIWIK_SITE_ID = '...'