# pelican-alchemy A theme for the [Pelican](http://getpelican.com) static site generator. A shameless rip off of @porterjamesj's [crowsfoot](http://github.com/porterjamesj/crowsfoot) theme. ## Screenshot ![pelican-alchemy](screenshot.png) ## Installation `git clone https://github.com/nairobilug/pelican-alchemy.git` Then set the pelican config variable `THEME` to the `alchemy` folder inside the cloned path. ## Usage Pelican [documentation](http://docs.getpelican.com/en/latest/) ### Theme Options | Config | Type | Description | | ------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------- | | LICENSE_NAME | TEXT | License (footer) | | LICENSE_URL | URL | - | | MENU_ITEMS | DICT | Menu items | | PROFILE_IMAGE | URL | Profile image | | SHOW_ARTICLE_AUTHOR | BOOL | Show/hide author | | SITE_SUBTEXT | TEXT | Header subtitle | | Config | Type | Description | | ------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------- | | EMAIL_ADDRESS | EMAIL | Email (mailto) | | FB_ADDRESS | URL | Facebook | | GITHUB_ADDRESS | URL | Github | | SO_ADDRESS | URL | Stack Overflow | | TWITTER_ADDRESS | URL | Twitter | An RSS icon will also appear on the nav if `FEED_ATOM` or `FEED_RSS` is set. | Config | Type | Description | | ------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------- | | DISQUS_SITENAME | TEXT | Disqus sitename | | GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_DOMAIN | TEXT | Google analytics | | GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID | TEXT | Google analytics | ## Live Demo [nairobilug.or.ke](http://nairobilug.or.ke) ## License MIT