# Adding comments to your blog ## Disqus Alchemy supports Disqus comments by default. Specify `DISQUS_SITENAME` in your `pelicanconf.py` to enable comments integration. ## Other comment engines Other comment engines may be integrated into Alchemy by overriding default template for `include/comments.html`: - Check the documentation for your comment provider and save the required HTML snippet as `any_directory/include/comments.html`. Example snippets for some comment engines are listed below. - Set [THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES] to contain correct path to templates directory: ```python THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES = ['any_directory'] # paths are relative to location of pelicanconf.py ``` [THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES]: https://docs.getpelican.com/en/stable/settings.html?highlight=THEME_TEMPLATES_OVERRIDES#themes ## Integration snippets for different comment engines #### [isso](https://github.com/posativ/isso) ```html
``` > ISSO_URL may be provided via pelicanconf.py or replaced by hardcoded value > in the template