[metadata] name = mopidy_funkwhale description = "A backend extension for mopidy to stream music from a Funkwhale server" author = The Funkwhale Collective author_email = contact+funkwhale@eliotberriot.com url = https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/mopidy long_description = file: README.rst license = GLP-3 keywords = code, diff, copy-paste, linter, DRY classifiers = Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 [options] zip_safe = True include_package_data = True packages = find: install_requires = mopidy>=3 requests requests_oauthlib pygobject vext [options.entry_points] mopidy.ext = funkwhale = mopidy_funkwhale:Extension [options.extras_require] test = pytest pytest-cov requests-mock pytest-mock factory_boy dev = ipython ipdb build = setuptools wheel publish = twine [options.packages.find] exclude = tests [bdist_wheel] universal = 1 [tool:pytest] testpaths = tests