================ mopidy-funkwhale ================ A small `Mopidy`_ backend extension to stream music from a Funkwhale server. Status ------ This project is still pretty young and is not feature complete. It has been tested with the latest version of Mopidy and the `Iris`_ and `ncmpcpp`_ clients. Features -------- * Searching for tracks, albums and artists available in your Funkwhale instance * Browse all artists and albums * Browse your favorites * Simple configuration Installation ------------ We assume you have a Mopidy server available (version 3 or greater required). We don't have any package for this extension yet, so you may install from the repository: .. code-block:: shell apt-get install libcairo2-dev libgirepository1.0-dev python-dev git sudo python3 -m pip install Mopidy-MusicBox-Webclient .. note:: Depending on your setup, you may want to run this comand with ``sudo`` or ``--user`` Configuration ------------- To enable the extension, add the following to your ``mopidy.conf`` file:: [funkwhale] enabled = true # URL of your funkwhale instance url = https://demo.funkwhale.audio # Application credentials (leave empty fo anonymous access) # If you don't now what to put here, just run `mopidy funkwhale login` for # the instructions client_id = client_secret = # If for some reason, you want to use the legacy password-based auth, # uncomment the variables below # username = demo # password = demo # duration of cache entries before they are removed, in seconds # 0 to cache forever, empty to disable cache cache_duration = 600 Of course, replace the demo values with your actual info (but you can try using the demo server). After that, reload your mopidy daemon, and you should be good! Authorization ------------- This plugin support the OAuth authorization workflow that is included in Funkwhale 0.19. Run ``mopidy funkwhale login`` to perform authorization. Todo ---- - Browse use library and playlists .. _Mopidy: https://www.mopidy.com/ .. _ncmpcpp: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ncmpcpp .. _iris: https://github.com/jaedb/iris