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Andrey Kislyuk 2022-04-10 15:54:55 -07:00
parent 1fe5e37fef
commit 1e3cb991e7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 8AFAFCD242818A52
3 changed files with 78 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
import os, sys
import guzzle_sphinx_theme
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('..'))
project = "requests-http-signature"
copyright = "Andrey Kislyuk"
author = "Andrey Kislyuk"

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@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ API documentation
.. automodule:: requests_http_signature
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

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@ -32,19 +32,57 @@ class SingleKeyResolver(HTTPSignatureKeyResolver):
class HTTPSignatureAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase):
hasher_name = "sha-256"
hasher_constructor = hashlib.sha256
A `Requests <https://github.com/requests/requests>`_ `authentication plugin
<http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/authentication/>`_ (``requests.auth.AuthBase`` subclass)
implementing the `IETF HTTP Message Signatures draft RFC
:param signature_algorithm:
One of ``requests_http_signature.algorithms.HMAC_SHA256``,
``requests_http_signature.algorithms.RSA_PSS_SHA512``, or
:param key:
Key material that will be used to sign the request. In the case of HMAC, this should be the raw bytes of the
shared secret; for all other algorithms, this should be the bytes of the PEM-encoded private key material.
:param key_id: The key ID to use in the signature.
:param key_resolver:
Instead of specifying a fixed key, you can instead pass a key resolver, which should be an instance of a
subclass of ``http_message_signatures.HTTPSignatureKeyResolver``. A key resolver should have two methods,
``get_private_key(key_id)`` (required only for signing) and ``get_public_key(key_id)`` (required only for
verifying). Your implementation should ensure that the key id is recognized and return the corresponding
key material as PEM bytes (or shared secret bytes for HMAC).
:param covered_component_ids:
A list of lowercased header names or derived component IDs ("@method", "@target-uri", "@authority",
"@scheme", "@request-target", "@path", "@query", "@query-params", "@status", or "@request-response" as
specified in the standard) to sign.
:param label: The label to use to identify the signature.
:param include_alg:
By default, the signature parameters will include the ``alg`` parameter, using it to identify the signature
algorithm. If you wish not to include this parameter, set this to ``False``.
:param use_nonce:
Set this to ``True`` to include a unique message-specific nonce in the signature parameters. The format of
the nonce can be controlled by subclassing this class and overloading the ``get_nonce()`` method.
:param expires_in:
Use this to set the ``expires`` signature parameter to the time of signing plus the given timedelta.
:param component_resolver_class:
Use this to subclass ``http_message_signatures.HTTPSignatureComponentResolver`` and customize header and
derived component retrieval if needed.
_digest_hashers = {"sha-256": hashlib.sha256, "sha-512": hashlib.sha512}
def __init__(self, *,
signature_algorithm: HTTPSignatureAlgorithm,
key: bytes = None,
key_id: str,
key_resolver: HTTPSignatureKeyResolver = None,
covered_component_ids: List[str] = ("@method", "@authority", "@target-uri"),
label: str = None,
include_alg: bool = True,
use_nonce: bool = False,
covered_component_ids: List[str] = ("@method", "@authority", "@target-uri"),
expires_in: datetime.timedelta = None,
signature_algorithm: HTTPSignatureAlgorithm,
key_resolver: HTTPSignatureKeyResolver = None,
component_resolver_class: type = HTTPSignatureComponentResolver):
if key_resolver is None and key is None:
raise RequestsHttpSignatureException("Either key_resolver or key must be specified.")
@ -68,14 +106,15 @@ class HTTPSignatureAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase):
if "Date" not in request.headers:
request.headers["Date"] = email.utils.formatdate(timestamp, usegmt=True)
def add_digest(self, request):
def add_digest(self, request, algorithm="sha-256"):
if request.body is None and "content-digest" in self.covered_component_ids:
raise RequestsHttpSignatureException("Could not compute digest header for request without a body")
if request.body is not None and "Content-Digest" not in request.headers:
if "content-digest" not in self.covered_component_ids:
self.covered_component_ids = list(self.covered_component_ids) + ["content-digest"]
digest = self.hasher_constructor(request.body).digest()
digest_node = http_sfv.Dictionary({self.hasher_name: digest})
hasher = self._digest_hashers[algorithm]
digest = hasher(request.body).digest()
digest_node = http_sfv.Dictionary({algorithm: digest})
request.headers["Content-Digest"] = str(digest_node)
def get_nonce(self, request):
@ -111,10 +150,31 @@ class HTTPSignatureAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase):
signature_algorithm: HTTPSignatureAlgorithm,
key_resolver: HTTPSignatureKeyResolver,
component_resolver_class: type = HTTPSignatureComponentResolver):
Verify an HTTP message signature.
:param signature_algorithm:
One of ``requests_http_signature.algorithms.HMAC_SHA256``,
``requests_http_signature.algorithms.RSA_PSS_SHA512``, or
:param key_resolver:
Instead of specifying a fixed key, you can instead pass a key resolver, which should be an instance of a
subclass of ``http_message_signatures.HTTPSignatureKeyResolver``. A key resolver should have two methods,
``get_private_key(key_id)`` (required only for signing) and ``get_public_key(key_id)`` (required only for
verifying). Your implementation should ensure that the key id is recognized and return the corresponding
key material as PEM bytes (or shared secret bytes for HMAC).
:param component_resolver_class:
Use this to subclass ``http_message_signatures.HTTPSignatureComponentResolver`` and customize header and
derived component retrieval if needed.
verifier = HTTPMessageVerifier(signature_algorithm=signature_algorithm,
verify_result = verifier.verify(request)
# TODO: get content-digest from verify result, not from independent parsing of headers
# TODO: add options to require specific components
headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(request.headers)
if "content-digest" in headers:
if request.body is None:
@ -122,9 +182,11 @@ class HTTPSignatureAuth(requests.auth.AuthBase):
digest = http_sfv.Dictionary()
for k, v in digest.items():
if k != cls.hasher_name:
if k not in cls._digest_hashers:
raise InvalidSignature(f'Unsupported digest algorithm "{k}"')
raw_digest = v.value
expect_digest = cls.hasher_constructor(request.body).digest()
if raw_digest != expect_digest:
raise InvalidSignature("The content-digest header does not match the request body")
hasher = cls._digest_hashers[k]
expect_digest = hasher(request.body).digest()
if raw_digest != expect_digest:
raise InvalidSignature("The content-digest header does not match the request body")
return verify_result