class_name Player extends KinematicBody const GRAVITY = Vector3.DOWN * 9.8 * 1.5 const JUMP_VELOCITY = 8 const WALK_VELOCITY = 8 const AIR_CONTROL = 0.1 const JUMP_ACCEL = 1 const WALK_ACCEL = 5 #const WALK_DECEL = 0.1 const MOUSE_SENSITIVITY = 1.0 / 1000 export var show_healthbar = true export var max_health = 150 onready var health = max_health setget set_health onready var camera = $Camera onready var debug = $Debug onready var weapon_bob_anim = $Camera/Hand/WeaponBobAnimationTree["parameters/playback"] var is_dead = true var is_on_floor = false var jump_timeout = 0.0 var floor_normal = Vector3.UP var was_on_floor = false const JETPACK_FUEL_MAX = 0.6 const JETPACK_REFILL_RATE = 0.2 const JETPACK_THRUST = 25 var jetpack_active = false # is the jetpack active? var jetpack_used = false # Is the jetpack recharging? var jetpack_fuel = JETPACK_FUEL_MAX # max fuel (in seconds) onready var weapons = $Camera/Hand/Weapons onready var active_weapon = weapons.switch_to_weapon(0) #onready var sfx_foosteps = [$"Sounds/Footstep-Concrete-01", # $"Sounds/Footstep-Concrete-02", # $"Sounds/Footstep-Concrete-03", # $"Sounds/Footstep-Concrete-04"] #var sfx_footsteps_last = 0 #var sfx_footsteps_next = 0 #var sfx_footsteps_delay = 0.2 #var sfx_footsteps_play = false onready var game = get_parent().get_parent() var velocity = Vector3.ZERO var walk_direction = Vector2.ZERO var walkDirInt = Vector2.ZERO #var bulletHitEffect = preload("res://Assets/Effects/BulletHit.tscn") var bodyHitEffect = preload("res://Assets/Effects/BodyHit.tscn") onready var nickname = "guest" setget set_nickname var player_class = "none" #func sfx_play_footsteps(): # if not sfx_footsteps_play: # sfx_footsteps_play = true # while sfx_footsteps_next == sfx_footsteps_last: # sfx_footsteps_next = randi() % len(sfx_foosteps) # sfx_footsteps_last = sfx_footsteps_next # print("Play footstep: ", String(sfx_footsteps_next) ) # sfx_foosteps[sfx_footsteps_next].play() # yield(get_tree().create_timer(sfx_footsteps_delay),"timeout") # sfx_footsteps_play = false func set_health(value): health = value $HUD.updateHealth(value) $Billboard.rpc("set_health", value) #$Billboard.set_health(value) func set_nickname(_nickname): $Billboard.set_nickname(_nickname) nickname = _nickname remote func set_player_data(player): nickname = player.nickname func get_closest_point(_A: Vector3, _B: Vector3): var A = transform.inverse().xform(_A) var B = transform.inverse().xform(_B) var diff = B - A var result = A - ( * diff) / (diff.length_squared()) return transform.xform(result) func on_bullet_flyby(from, to): var closest_point = get_closest_point(from, to) var flyby_noise = preload("res://Classes/Audio/BulletFlyBySoundPlayer.tscn").instance() flyby_noise.translation = closest_point get_tree().root.call_deferred("add_child", flyby_noise) remote func jump(): if is_on_floor: velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY jump_timeout = 0.2 $Sounds/"Jump") func jetpack(delta): # Swap these to try the different versions of the jetpack. jetpack_grounded(delta) #jetpack_empty(delta) # activate visual jetpack effects when sound is playing: $Effects/JetpackFlame.emitting = ! $Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused $Effects/JetpackSmoke.emitting = ! $Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused $Effects/JetpackLight.visible = ! $Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused func jetpack_empty(delta): debug.text = "JP fuel: %s\nJP active: %s\nJP used: %s\nJP sound: %s" % [ jetpack_fuel, jetpack_active, jetpack_used, !$Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused ] # Enable jetpack when it is fully charged. if jetpack_fuel > (JETPACK_FUEL_MAX - 0.001): jetpack_used = false # Disable jetpack when it is empty. elif jetpack_fuel <= 0 and not jetpack_active: jetpack_used = true if jetpack_active and not jetpack_used and jetpack_fuel > 0: velocity.y += JETPACK_THRUST * delta jetpack_fuel -= delta $Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused = false else: $Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused = true # Only charge when fully empty. if jetpack_used: jetpack_fuel = clamp( jetpack_fuel + JETPACK_REFILL_RATE * delta, 0.0, JETPACK_FUEL_MAX ) # Charge when grounded variant. func jetpack_grounded(delta): debug.text = "JP fuel: %s\nJP active: %s\nJP sound: %s" % [ jetpack_fuel, jetpack_active, !$Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused ] # Only charge when grounded. if is_on_floor: jetpack_fuel = clamp( jetpack_fuel + JETPACK_REFILL_RATE * delta, 0.0, JETPACK_FUEL_MAX ) $Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused = true # Only use jetpack in the air. else: if jetpack_active and jetpack_fuel > 0: velocity.y += JETPACK_THRUST * delta jetpack_fuel -= delta $Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused = false else: $Sounds/Jetpack.stream_paused = true remote func mouselook_abs(x, y): camera.rotation.x = x rotation.y = y remote func mouselook(rel): var sensitivity = MOUSE_SENSITIVITY * game.mouse_sensitivity_multiplier rotate_y(- rel.x * sensitivity) camera.rotation.x = clamp(camera.rotation.x-rel.y * sensitivity, -PI/2, PI/2) rpc_unreliable("mouselook_abs", camera.rotation.x, rotation.y) func _physics_process(delta): if is_dead: return if str(get_tree().get_network_unique_id()) != name: return check_floor_collision() walk(delta) fall(delta) jetpack(delta) var movement_vector = Vector3() if jump_timeout > 0: movement_vector = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector3.UP) else: var upvector = floor_normal movement_vector = move_and_slide_with_snap(velocity, Vector3.DOWN, upvector, true) velocity = movement_vector rset("translation", translation) func check_floor_collision(): var space_state = get_world().direct_space_state var from = global_transform.xform(Vector3(0, 0.0, 0)) var to = global_transform.xform(Vector3(0, -0.3, 0.0)) var result = space_state.intersect_ray(from, to) if jump_timeout > 0: is_on_floor = false elif result: is_on_floor = true floor_normal = result.normal else: is_on_floor = false func walk(delta): jump_timeout -= delta # Walk walk_direction = Vector2() if Input.is_action_pressed("MoveForward"): walk_direction.y -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("MoveBack"): walk_direction.y += 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("MoveLeft"): walk_direction.x -= 1 if Input.is_action_pressed("MoveRight"): walk_direction.x += 1 walk_direction = walk_direction.normalized() var walking_speed = Vector2(velocity.x, velocity.z) walking_speed = walking_speed.rotated(rotation.y) if is_on_floor: walking_speed = lerp(walking_speed, walk_direction * WALK_VELOCITY, delta * WALK_ACCEL) else: walking_speed = lerp(walking_speed, walk_direction * JUMP_VELOCITY, delta * JUMP_ACCEL) walking_speed = walking_speed.rotated(-rotation.y) velocity.x = walking_speed.x velocity.z = walking_speed.y # Make walking perpendicular to the floor if is_on_floor: velocity.y -= / floor_normal.y if walking_speed.length() > 0 and is_on_floor:"Walk") elif walking_speed.length() == 0 and is_on_floor:"Idle") func fall(delta): if is_on_floor: if not was_on_floor: # if this is the first frame of ground conotact after a frame of no ground contact - we've just ended a fall"Land") else: velocity += delta * GRAVITY was_on_floor = is_on_floor master func on_hit(damage, location): set_health(health - 30) rpc("blood_splatter", location) if health <= 0: rpc("kill") else: $Sounds/Pain.rpc("play") sync func blood_splatter(location): var effect = bodyHitEffect.instance() get_tree().root.add_child(effect) effect.global_transform.origin = location master func kill(): if is_dead: return $Sounds/Death.rpc("play") is_dead = true set_health(0) $CollisionShapeBody.disabled = true $Camera/Hand.hide() #$HUD.update_crosshair(false, false) yield(get_tree().create_timer(3), "timeout") spawn() yield(get_tree().create_timer(3), "timeout") # for i in gibs.get_children(): # i.queue_free() # yield(get_tree().create_timer(rand_range(0.1, 1)), "timeout") # gibs.queue_free() func spawn(): is_dead = false set_health(max_health) velocity = Vector3() game.get_spawn_point().spawn(self) $Camera/ $ $CollisionShapeBody.disabled = false $Camera.rotation = Vector3.ZERO rotation = Vector3.ZERO func shoot(): # The underscore indicates an unused variable. # Because it is declared in this scope, it will disappear as soon as the # function returns. As is, it exists solely to catch the return value of shoot(). var _remaining_ammo = active_weapon.shoot($Camera) func reload(): active_weapon.reload() sync func switch_to_next_weapon(): active_weapon = weapons.next_weapon() sync func switch_to_prev_weapon(): active_weapon = weapons.prev_weapon() func _input(event): if is_dead: return if str(get_tree().get_network_unique_id()) != name: return if game.GAME_MODE != "PLAYING": return # Moouselook if event is InputEventMouseMotion: var rel = event.relative mouselook(rel) # Jump if event.is_action_pressed("MoveJump"): rpc("jump") jump() if event.is_action_pressed("MoveJetpack"): jetpack_active = true if event.is_action_released("MoveJetpack"): jetpack_active = false if event.is_action_pressed("WeaponPrimary"): shoot() if event.is_action_pressed("WeaponReload"): reload() if event.is_action_pressed("WeaponNext"): rpc("switch_to_next_weapon") if event.is_action_pressed("WeaponPrev"): rpc("switch_to_prev_weapon") func set_local_player(): set_network_master(get_tree().get_network_unique_id()) camera.current = true #$ $Billboard.hide() # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): $HUD/Health/HealthBar.max_value = max_health # Set player class var path = get_script().get_path() if path.find("res://Assets/Characters/") != -1: player_class = path.replace("res://Assets/Characters/", "").split("/")[0] set_health(max_health) # disabled the ragdoll collider #for i in $Player/Gibs.get_children(): # i.get_child(1).disabled = true #disabled = true #$"Player/Gibs/PlayerGibs _cell /shape0".set_disabled(true) rset_config("translation", MultiplayerAPI.RPC_MODE_SYNC) if !show_healthbar: $Billboard.hide() # only show the debug label on local machine if name != String(get_tree().get_network_unique_id()): debug.hide() # initialize sound looping #$Sounds/ # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. #func _process(delta): # pass