extends Control @onready var main = get_tree().get_root().get_node("Main") @onready var chat_history = $VBoxContainer/ChatHistory @onready var chat_typing = $VBoxContainer/Typing @onready var chat_editor = $VBoxContainer/Typing/Editor @onready var chat_label = $VBoxContainer/Typing/Label enum ChatState {INACTIVE, TYPING_ALL, TYPING_TEAM} var state = ChatState.INACTIVE : set(new_state): state = new_state match new_state: ChatState.INACTIVE: chat_typing.hide() chat_editor.release_focus() ChatState.TYPING_ALL: chat_label.text = "all: " chat_typing.show() chat_editor.grab_focus() chat_editor.text = '' ChatState.TYPING_TEAM: chat_label.text = "team: " chat_typing.show() chat_editor.grab_focus() chat_editor.text = '' # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): pass func _input(_event) -> void: if state == ChatState.INACTIVE: if Input.is_action_just_pressed("say_all"): main.focus = main.GameFocus.CHAT state = ChatState.TYPING_ALL get_tree().get_root().set_input_as_handled() if Input.is_action_just_pressed("say_team"): main.focus = main.GameFocus.CHAT state = ChatState.TYPING_TEAM get_tree().get_root().set_input_as_handled() elif Input.is_action_just_pressed("say_cancel"): main.focus = main.GameFocus.GAME state = ChatState.INACTIVE func _unhandled_input(_event) -> void: if state != ChatState.INACTIVE: get_tree().get_root().set_input_as_handled() # doesn't work over network due to missing RPC implementation in Godot 4 @rpc(sync, any, reliable) func chat_message(sender_pid: int, recipient_team, message: String) -> void: var sender_info = main.player_list.get(sender_pid) chat_history.append_text('\n' + '[b][color=' + sender_info.color.to_html() +']' + str(sender_info.name) + '[/color][/b] : [i]' + message + '[/i]') @rpc func chat_notification(message: String) -> void: chat_history.append_text('\n ยท ' + '[i]' + message + '[/i]') func _on_Editor_text_submitted(new_text): # RPC is currently not implemented in the engine var sender_id = get_tree().multiplayer.get_unique_id() var new_message = [sender_id, 0, new_text] rpc(&'chat_message',sender_id, 0, new_text) chat_editor.text = '' state = ChatState.INACTIVE main.focus = main.GameFocus.GAME