--- - name: Install dependencies become: yes apt: pkg: - oathtool - name: Determine if acme.sh is installed become: yes stat: path: "~/.acme.sh/acme.sh" register: is_acme_sh_installed - name: Get acme.sh Installer become: yes get_url: url: https://get.acme.sh dest: /tmp/acme.sh mode: "0700" when: not is_acme_sh_installed.stat.exists - name: Install acme.sh become: yes command: "sh /tmp/acme.sh email={{ acme_email }}" when: not is_acme_sh_installed.stat.exists - name: Upgrade acme.sh become: yes command: cmd: ./acme.sh --upgrade chdir: ~/.acme.sh when: is_acme_sh_installed.stat.exists register: upgrade_result changed_when: upgrade_result.rc == 0 and "Upgrade success" in upgrade_result.stdout and not "Already uptodate" in upgrade_result.stdout - name: Hash config file become: yes command: chdir: ~/.acme.sh cmd: sha1sum account.conf register: _account_conf_hash_before changed_when: false - name: Enable acme.sh logs become: yes shell: cmd: ./acme.sh --update-account --log /root/.acme.sh/acme.sh.log && sha1sum account.conf chdir: ~/.acme.sh register: _account_conf_update changed_when: '_account_conf_hash_before.stdout not in _account_conf_update.stdout' - name: Issue certificates become: yes command: cmd: ./acme.sh --issue -d {{ item.name }} -d '*.{{ item.name }}' --dns dns_{{ item.dns_provider }} chdir: ~/.acme.sh environment: INWX_User: "{{ inwx_user }}" INWX_Password: "{{ inwx_pass }}" GANDI_LIVEDNS_KEY: "{{ gandi_livedns_key }}" loop: "{{ domains }}" register: cert_result changed_when: cert_result.rc == 0 and "Cert success." in cert_result.stdout failed_when: - "'Domains not changed' not in cert_result.stdout" - "'Cert success.' not in cert_result.stdout" - name: Make sure certs dir exists become: yes file: path: "{{ certs_dir }}/{{ item.name }}" state: directory mode: "0755" loop: "{{ domains }}" - name: Place nginx reload command to cert reload script become: yes lineinfile: path: "/usr/local/bin/cert_reload_{{ item.name }}.sh" line: "systemctl reload nginx" create: yes owner: root group: root mode: 0700 loop: "{{ domains }}" - name: Install certificates become: yes command: cmd: ./acme.sh --install-cert -d "{{ item.name }}" --key-file "{{ certs_dir }}/{{ item.name }}/key.pem" --fullchain-file "{{ certs_dir }}/{{ item.name }}/cert.pem" --reloadcmd "/usr/local/bin/cert_reload_{{ item.name }}.sh" chdir: ~/.acme.sh loop: "{{ domains }}" loop_control: index_var: domains_index register: install_cert_result changed_when: cert_result.results[domains_index].changed failed_when: install_cert_result.rc != 0 and "Reload error for" not in install_cert_result.stderr - name: Place monitoring script become: yes copy: src: files/certificate-validity.sh dest: /root/.acme.sh/certificate-validity.sh mode: 0700 - name: Ensure monitoring data is updated become: yes cron: name: "Update acme.sh monitoring data each minute" minute: "*/10" hour: "*" job: "/root/.acme.sh/certificate-validity.sh"