# Liblast Libre Multiplayer FPS Game build with Godot 3 game engine. ![Screenshot 01](https://github.com/unfa/liblast/raw/master/Screenshots/01.png) ![Screenshot 02](https://github.com/unfa/liblast/raw/master/Screenshots/02.png) ## Get in touch If you want to talk to the devs and discuss the game in an instant manner, go here: https://chat.unfa.xyz/channel/liblast ## Controls Standard FPS stuff: - W,A,S,D to move - Mouse to look around - Left mouse button to shoot - Space to jump - R to reload Less standard: - Shift to use jetpack (you have 1 second of jetpack, and it recharges for 5 seconds - ther's not HUD fro this and it's broken, also balance changes will most likely ensue, you can use it to get to that high platform on the DM1 level) - Tab to show a list of currently connected players ## Features in 0.1 pre-alpha release The game currently has: - ~~a public online server at unfa.xyz (accessible via Quick Connect)~~ only deployed on demand for now - a deathmach level for 2-4 people (DM1) - simple but exciting gameplay - one weapon (a handgun) - a very basic HUD with health and ammo indication - some particle effects - mouth-made sound effects for various things and some better SFX here and there - bullet fly-by sound effects! - gun animation, bouncing shell casings and smoke effects - sentient fridge stacking in multiplayer A livestream where I've made a couple of new sound effects for the game: https://youtu.be/aUtSLNzvqvI Video of a version of the game not long before 0.1 release: https://youtu.be/g3KvNeu4X54 (quite outdated as of 2021-02)