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extends Node3D
# This Scene is meant for playing back sound groups. For simple, singular sound effects use stock Godot nodes, this is meant to play a random sound among a group with variations.
const SFX_dir = "res://Assets/SFX" # all sound clips must reside somewhere in this directory
@export_file("*01.wav") var SoundClip := SFX_dir + "/" + "Test_01.wav"
@export var AutoPlay := false
@export var MinimumRandomDistance := 0.35 # gives optimal playback repetition for sound clip groups of different sizes.
@export var PlayUntilEnd := false # determines if the play() function is allowed to sop a previously started sound
@export var MinDelay := 0.0 # determines how many seconds must pass before the sound can be triggered again
@export var PitchScale := 1.0
@export var RandomizePitch := 0.0
@export var Voice_Count := 1
var min_distance = 0 # this determines how ofte na sound is allowed to play (any Nth time) this is calculated automatically based on maximum_repetition
var clips = [] # holds loaded sound stream resources
var recently_played = [] # holds indexes of recently played
var ready_to_play = true # used as a semaphor for MinDelay
var voices = []
var voice = 0
2021-09-12 04:28:38 +02:00
var debug = false
func _ready():
var files = []
var dir =
if debug:
print("SoundClip: ", SoundClip)
# determine the sound group name part
#var group = SoundClip.left(SoundClip.rfind('_') -2).right(SoundClip.rfind('/') + 1)
#var group = SoundClip.left(SoundClip.rfind('_')).right(SoundClip.rfind('/'))
var group = SoundClip.trim_prefix("res://").trim_suffix('_01.wav').get_file()
if false: # temporarily disabled, needs work
# determine the sound layer name part
var layer = SoundClip.right(SoundClip.rfind('01') + 1)
layer = layer.right(layer.rfind('_') -1)
layer = layer.left(layer.rfind('.') - 2)
if layer == "1": # sound without a layer defined will return "1", so let's take that as a "no layers defined in this sound"
layer = ""
else: # if the layers was specified the group will be incorrectly including the variant number, let's fix that
group = group.left(group.rfind('_'))
if debug:
print("group: ", group)
#print("layer: ", layer)
while true:
var file = dir.get_next()
if file == "":
elif not file.begins_with(".") and file.begins_with(group) and file.ends_with(".wav"):
# temporarily disabled, not sure what this does
# if layer.length() == 0: # no layer specified?
# files.append(file)
# if debug:
# print("no layer specified - adding ", file)
# elif file.find(layer) > -1: # chek if the file name contains the layer string
# files.append(file)
# if debug:
# print("layer matches - adding ", file)
if debug:
print("files in list: \n", files)
for f in files:
var res_file = SFX_dir + '/' + f
var clip = load(res_file)
if debug:
print("loading ", res_file, "; result: ", clip)
var clip_count = clips.size()
if MinimumRandomDistance:
min_distance = floor(clip_count * MinimumRandomDistance)
min_distance = 0
2021-09-12 13:17:32 +02:00
if debug:
print("Clips: ", len(clips))
print("min_distance: ", min_distance)
# prepare voices - TODO: this does not work! as aworkaround I've duplicated the secondary AudioStreamPlayer3D manually
if Voice_Count > 1:
for i in range(1, Voice_Count):
var new_voice = $AudioStreamPlayer3D.duplicate()
for i in get_children():
if debug:
print("voices: ", voices)
if AutoPlay:
2021-09-12 13:34:54 +02:00
func pick_random():
assert(len(clips) > 0, "SoundPlayer has no clips to choose from")
return randi() % len(clips)
2021-09-25 18:34:02 +02:00
@rpc(sync, any, reliable) func play():
# temporary
return # the functionality fo this node is disabled until the Godot not bundling wave files in exports issue is solved
var player = voices[voice]
voice = (voice + 1) % voices.size()
if debug:
print("playing ", name, " on voice ", voice)
if PlayUntilEnd:
if player.playing:
return 1
if MinDelay > 0:
if not ready_to_play:
return 2
var i = pick_random()
while recently_played.has(i):
i = pick_random()
#print("i: ", i)
if len(recently_played) > min_distance:
if debug:
print("random pick: ", clips[i]) = clips[i]
if RandomizePitch != 0:
player.pitch_scale = PitchScale + randf_range(-RandomizePitch /2, RandomizePitch/2)
player.pitch_scale = PitchScale
2021-09-12 13:17:32 +02:00
#ready_to_play = false
#await get_tree().create_timer(MinDelay)
ready_to_play = true
# TODO implement final randomization algorithm
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass