
312 lines
5.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
#include "looperclip.hxx"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.hxx"
#include "jack.hxx"
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
#include "event.hxx"
#include "eventhandler.hxx"
#include "audiobuffer.hxx"
extern Jack* jack;
LooperClip::LooperClip(int t, int s) :
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
_loaded = false;
_playing = false;
_recording = false;
_queuePlay = false;
_queueStop = false;
_queueRecord= false;
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
_buffer = new AudioBuffer(4410);
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
_newBufferInTransit = false;
_playhead = 0;
_recordhead = 0;
void LooperClip::save()
// ensure there is something in the buffer to be saved
if ( _loaded )
char buffer [50];
sprintf (buffer, "LooperClip::save() track %i, scene %i", track,scene);
EventGuiPrint e( buffer );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
EventRequestSaveBuffer e2( track, scene, _buffer->getData().size() );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e2 );
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
/// loads a sample: eg from disk, unloading current sample if necessary
void LooperClip::load( AudioBuffer* ab )
_loaded = true;
if ( _buffer )
EventDeallocateBuffer e( _buffer );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
_buffer = ab;
_playhead = 0;
// set the endpoint to the buffer's size
_recordhead = _buffer->getData().size();
char buffer [50];
sprintf (buffer, "LooperClip::load() track %i, scene %i",track, scene);
EventGuiPrint e( buffer );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
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void LooperClip::setRequestedBuffer( AudioBuffer* ab )
if ( _buffer )
size_t size = _buffer->getData().size();
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memcpy( &ab->getData().at(0), &_buffer->getData().at(0), sizeof(float)*size);
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2013-08-22 02:35:43 +02:00
ab->setID ( _buffer->getID() );
ab->setBeats( _buffer->getBeats() );
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
EventDeallocateBuffer e( _buffer );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
_buffer = ab;
_newBufferInTransit = false;
void LooperClip::recieveSaveBuffer( AudioBuffer* saveBuffer )
// copy current contents into save buffer,
size_t size = _buffer->getData().size();
memcpy( &saveBuffer->getData().at(0), &_buffer->getData().at(0), sizeof(float)*size);
saveBuffer->setID ( _buffer->getID() );
saveBuffer->setBeats( _buffer->getBeats() );
EventSaveBuffer e ( track, scene, saveBuffer );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
void LooperClip::record(int count, float* L, float* R)
// write "count" samples into current buffer.
if ( _buffer )
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
_buffer->getData().at( _recordhead ) = *L++;
_loaded = true;
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unsigned long LooperClip::recordSpaceAvailable()
if ( _buffer )
return _buffer->getData().size() - _recordhead;
return 0;
size_t LooperClip::audioBufferSize()
if ( _buffer )
return _buffer->getData().size();
return 0;
void LooperClip::setBeats(int beats)
if ( _buffer )
_buffer->setBeats( beats );
int LooperClip::getBeats()
if ( _buffer )
return _buffer->getBeats();
return 0;
long LooperClip::getBufferLenght()
return _recordhead;
void LooperClip::bar()
bool change = false;
GridLogic::State s = GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY;
if ( _queuePlay && _loaded )
_playing = true;
s = GridLogic::STATE_PLAYING;
_recording = false;
_queuePlay = false;
change = true;
_playhead = 0;
else if ( _queueStop && _loaded )
_playing = false;
s = GridLogic::STATE_STOPPED;
_recording = false;
_queueStop = false;
change = true;
// set "progress" to zero, as we're stopped!
jack->getControllerUpdater()->setTrackSceneProgress(track, scene, 0 );
else if ( _queueRecord )
_recording = true;
_playing = false;
_queueRecord = false;
change = true;
_recordhead = 0;
else if ( _queuePlay )
// clip was queued, but there's nothing loaded
_queuePlay = false;
change = true;
if ( _recording )
// FIXME: assumes 4 beats in a bar
_buffer->setBeats( _buffer->getBeats() + 4 );
if ( change )
jack->getControllerUpdater()->setSceneState(track, scene, s );
2013-08-22 01:26:01 +02:00
void LooperClip::queuePlay()
_queuePlay = true;
_queueStop = false;
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void LooperClip::queueStop()
_queueStop = true;
_queuePlay = false;
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void LooperClip::queueRecord()
_queueRecord = true;
_queuePlay = false;
_queueStop = false;
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GridLogic::State LooperClip::getState()
GridLogic::State s = GridLogic::STATE_EMPTY;
if ( _loaded )
s = GridLogic::STATE_STOPPED;
if ( _playing )
s = GridLogic::STATE_PLAYING;
if ( _recording )
if ( _queuePlay )
if ( _queueStop )
if ( _queueRecord )
return s;
bool LooperClip::playing()
return _playing;
bool LooperClip::recording()
return _recording;
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void LooperClip::newBufferInTransit(bool n)
_newBufferInTransit = n;
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2013-08-22 01:26:01 +02:00
bool LooperClip::newBufferInTransit()
return _newBufferInTransit;
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float LooperClip::getSample(float playSpeed)
if ( _buffer && _buffer->getData().size() > 0 )
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
if ( _playhead >= _recordhead ||
_playhead >= _buffer->getData().size() ||
_playhead < 0 )
_playhead = 0;
EventGuiPrint e( "LooperClip resetting _playhead" );
writeToGuiRingbuffer( &e );
2013-08-15 18:17:16 +02:00
std::vector<float>& v = _buffer->getData();
float tmp = v.at(_playhead);
_playhead += playSpeed;
return tmp;
return 0.f;
float LooperClip::getProgress()
if ( _buffer && _playing )
float p = float(_playhead) / _recordhead;
//printf("LooperClip progress %f\n", p );
return p;
return 0.f;