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# This script moves the shape up half the amount it shrinks when crouching
# This way the top of the capsule keeps the same relative position to the camera
# Moving the camera instead would cause a camera move when crouching in the air
# which is weird (I tested it).
# It also acts as a middleman to ensure crouching will work with all shape types
extends CollisionShape
var height: = 1.0 setget set_height, get_height
var _normal_height: float
var _normal_y: float
func _ready() -> void:
_normal_y = translation.y
match shape.get_class():
_normal_height = shape.height
_normal_height = shape.extents.z
var another_class:
push_error("Height logic not implemented for shape %s" % another_class)
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if _normal_height:
# Using self. make so we call the setter even though we're inside the objecr
translation.y = _normal_y + (_normal_height - self.height) / 2.0
func set_height(value: float) -> void:
match shape.get_class():
shape.height = value
shape.extents.z = value
func get_height() -> float:
match shape.get_class():
return shape.height
return shape.extents.z
var _:
return 0.0