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extends KinematicBody
const GRAVITY = 9.8
const JUMP_VELOCITY = 400
const WALK_VELOCITY = 550
const MOUSE_SENSITIVITY = 1.0 / 30
onready var camera = $Camera
var velocity = Vector3.ZERO
var walkDirection = Vector2.ZERO
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
func gravity():
self.velocity.y -= GRAVITY
remote func walk(direction: Vector2):
#print ("Walk: ", direction)
var walkDirectionNormalized = direction.normalized()
#print("Player walkDirection: ", walkDirectionNormalized)
var walkVelocity = WALK_VELOCITY * walkDirectionNormalized
velocity.x = walkVelocity.y
velocity.z = - walkVelocity.x
remote func jump():
velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY
func motion(delta):
self.move_and_slide(velocity * delta, Vector3.UP)
func _physics_process(delta):
rpc("walk", walkDirection)
func _input(event):
# Moouselook
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
var rel = event["relative"]
self.rotate_y(- rel.x * MOUSE_SENSITIVITY)
camera.rotate_x(rel.y * MOUSE_SENSITIVITY)
# Jump
if event.is_action_pressed("MoveJump"):
# Walk
if event.is_action_pressed("MoveForward"):
walkDirection.x += 1
if event.is_action_pressed("MoveBack"):
walkDirection.x -= 1
if event.is_action_pressed("MoveRight"):
walkDirection.y += 1
if event.is_action_pressed("MoveLeft"):
walkDirection.y -= 1
if event.is_action_released("MoveForward"):
walkDirection.x += -1
if event.is_action_released("MoveBack"):
walkDirection.x -= -1
if event.is_action_released("MoveRight"):
walkDirection.y += -1
if event.is_action_released("MoveLeft"):
walkDirection.y -= -1
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
pass # Replace with function body.
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass